614-40096-00 36The following table describes typical conditions:Conditions Possible cause ActionBattery modeLED is On.1 beep every 10 secondsA utility failure has occurred and the UPS is inbattery mode.The UPS is powering theequipment with battery power.Prepare your equipment forshutdown.Battery modeLED is On.1 beep every 3 secondsThe UPS is in Battery mode and the battery isrunning low.This warning is approximate, andthe actual time to shutdown mayvary significantly. Depending onthe UPS load and number ofExtended Battery Modules (EBMs),the "Battery Low" warning mayoccur before the batteries reach20% capacity.No batteryLED is OnBeep continuousThe batteries are disconnected.Verify that all batteries areproperly connected. If thecondition persists, contact yourservice representative.Battery modeLED is On.Beep continuousThe battery test is failed due to bad ordisconnected batteries.Verify that all batteries areproperly connected. If thecondition persists, contact yourservice representative.The UPS does not provide theexpected backup time. The batteries need charging or service.Apply utility power for 48 hours tocharge the batteries. If thecondition persists, contact yourservice representative.Power OverloadLED is OnPower requirements exceed the UPS capacity(greater than 100% of nominal;see “User Settings” for specific output overloadranges).Remove some of the equipmentfrom the UPS. The UPS continuesto operate, but may shut down ifthe load increases. The alarmresets when the conditionbecomes inactive.UPS Over temperatureLED is On1 beep every 3 secondsThe UPS internal temperature is too high or a fanhas failed. At the warning level, the UPSgenerates the alarm but remains in the currentoperating state. If the temperature rises another10°C, the UPS shuts down.Clear vents and remove any heatsources. Allow the UPS to cool.Ensure the airflow around the UPSis not restricted. Restart the UPS. Ifthe condition continues to persist,contact your servicerepresentative.The UPS does not start The input source is not connected correctly. Check the input and batteryconnections.