3.3 UPS featuresThe Eaton UPS has many features that provide cost-effective and consistentlyreliable power protection. The feature descriptions provide a brief overview ofthe UPS standard features.3.3.1 Advanced Battery ManagementThe Advanced Battery Management technology uses sophisticated sensingcircuitry and a three-stage charging technique that extends the useful servicelife of UPS batteries while optimizing the battery recharge time. ABM alsoprotects batteries from damage caused by high current charging and inverterripple currents. Charging at high currents can overheat and damage batteries.In thecharge mode, the batteries are recharged. Charging lasts only as long asit takes to bring the battery system up to a predetermined float level. Once thislevel is reached, the UPS battery charger enters thefloat stage and the chargeroperates in the constant voltage mode.Therest mode begins at the end of the charge mode; that is, after 48 hours offloat charging (user-adjustable). In the rest mode, the battery charger iscompletely turned off. The battery system receives no charge current during thisrest period of approximately 28 days (user-adjustable). During the rest mode,the open circuit battery voltage is monitored constantly, and battery charging isresumed when necessary.3.3.2 Powerware Hot SyncThe Eaton Powerware Hot Sync technology is an algorithm that eliminates thesingle point of failure in a parallel system and therefore enhances systemreliability. The Hot Sync technology is incorporated in all Eaton 9PHD UPSs,and it is utilized in both multi-module internal parallel and external parallelsystems.The Hot Sync technology enables all UPMs to operate independently in aparallel system, even without inter-module communications. The power modulesutilizing the Hot Sync technology are completely autonomous; each modulemonitors its own output independently to remain in complete synchronizationwith the other modules. The UPM power modules share the load perfectly evenin changing capacity or load conditions.The Powerware Hot Sync technology combines digital signal processing and anadvanced control algorithm to provide automatic load sharing and selectivetripping in a parallel UPS system. The load share control algorithms maintainsynchronization and load balance by constantly making minute adjustments tovariations in the output power requirements. The modules conform to demandand are not in conflict with each other for the load. The Powerware Hot Syncsystems are capable of paralleling for both redundancy and capacity.Eaton 9PHD UPS 30–200 kW User's and installation guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2017. All rights reserved. Document ID: P-164000531 31 (127)