798 OperatingMounting and Operating Instructions CEAG Central Battery System ZB-S 40071860179 (L) November 2018 www.ceag.de Line selection (line 1 / 3) with Select a relay in line 1 with Line 4 shows the current relay status Select between “dropped out” and“picked up” in line 3 (e.g. for test pur-poses) with Relay: 1 Status:picked upThe current charge and battery status isdisplayed (see screenshot opposite):U: present battery voltageI: present charge current / dischargecurrentT: temperature in the battery compart-ment (from temperature sensor in-stalled in it)BT: last attainable operating duration, inhoursDisplays the current battery capacity in line3 based on 3.11 “Charger setup”Line 4 only displays messages when amalfunction occurs. Selection can be madewith if more than one fault is present Menu 1.9:U=213.0 V I=+ 0.2 AT= +18.0°C BT:03:00hBatt capacity: 95%Message line Menu 1.8:Menu 1.7: Menu 1.6:Start functiontestStart durationtestCancel durationtestSum failure infoCircuit stateLuminaire stateetc.SKU 2/1 circuit:1....5.....10.....15....2—-————————-Luminaire nameDLS module external 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8DLS/TLS TextTLS module external 3 1 2DLS/TLS TextSubmenu 1.7 depends on the device(DLS/3PhW or TLS) that is being addressedby the selection in the menu. Select an address with Line 2/3 shows the current status ofthe signal outputs of the external mod-ule or a current fault message. Line 4shows the device name (see “4 DLS/TLS Setup”).Note:A 3-phase monitor status (L1...L3)is shown when the external DLS/3PhWmodule has been configu-red as acombined DLS/3-phase monitor.Switch status/Phase OffSwitch status/Phase On Select input field/line with Select SKU or circuit with Line 3 shows the current settings ofthe luminaire addresses (1 ... 20) in theselected circuit:Luminaire is off (Item 1)Luminaire is on (Item 2)Luminaire failure (Item 3)– no luminaire set up (Item 4)(see “6 Luminaire Setup”) Select a luminaire (line 2) with Line 4 shows the luminaire name(see “6.2 Text assignments”)Start functiontestStart durationtestCancel durationtestSum failure infoCircuit stateLuminaire stateDLS/TLS/3PhW stateCharging/Bat. stateRelay stateSubstation stateStart functiontestStart durationtestCancel durationtestSum failure infoCircuit stateLuminaire stateDLS/TLS/3PhW stateCharging/Bat. stateRelay stateSubstation stateDLS+3Phase monit. 11 2 3 4 5 L1 L2 L3DLS/TLS TextOverview:Main menuTest & status menuBlock & reset alarmsBasic settingsDLS/TLS SetupCircuit setupLuminaire setupLogbooksetupSend ServicePinMsgMenu 1Start functiontestStart durationtestCancel durationtestSum failure infoCircuit stateLuminaire stateDLS/TLS/3PhW stateCharging/Bat. stateRelay stateSubstation state Selection ofmenu optionswith the keys :confirm selec-tion-cel and return tothe previousmenu (anychangesentered aresaved) : canceland return tothe previousmenu (anychanges en-tered are notsaved) flashing inputpromptStart functiontestStart durationtestCancel durationtestSum failure infoCircuit stateLuminaire stateDLS/TLS/3PhW stateetc.Note:See also menu option 3.8 “Relay assign-ments” in menu 3 “Basic settings”.Circuit stateLuminaire stateDLS/TLS/3PhW stateCharging/Bat. stateRelay stateSubstation state Menu 1.10:Device address 1 Status messageFailure infoDevice name Select a station in line 1 with Line 2 shows the current operation statusof the chosen station ZB-S by MultiMaster Mode M3.