41 Amended: Jan 2014MIO324 is a 3 channel I/O (3 separate inputs & 3 separate outputs) that only takes 1 address. Theoutputs are three relays capable of switching 1A at 30v.The 3 input spurs have the same function as the MIO1240, 22k end of line, 5k6 firing resistor.Each channel is individually programmable both for inputs and outputs in the same way as theMIO1240.Because this device only holds 1 address there is no way to apply text to the individual channels.This unit contains the same restrictions concerning delays – which can ONLY be programmedon stage 1 of output 1MIO324TThis unit is identical in build to the MIO 324 but this has been designed to take 3 addresses (this canbe expensive in terms of outputs because it replies as 3 x 3Chan I/O’s), this means that textinformation can be allocated to each channel. It also allows each individual input and output to bedisabled (by address).MIO324SOnce again this unit is identical with the MIO 324 only taking 1 address. The programming is thesame as the MIO 324. This unit was designed so that the relay outputs reset on silence rather thanfull reset.MCOMThis unit is a Mini output unit providing switch contacts only, rated at 1A 30v. There is no input on thisunit. This item replies as an I/O unit so takes 1 of the 20 I/O’s allowed per loop.MCOM/S & ULMCOM/SIdentical to the above but this unit is programmed to reply as a sounder, the relay contacts on theMCOM/S change state on reset, the UL version resets on silence. These units have been created toenable more than the 20 relay outputs per loop by sacrificing the total amount of sounders allowed.Note – The MCOM/S unit must be programmed using site installer - the contacts DO NOTchange state in AutolearnMCIM, MCIM/C, MCIM/NFThis unit is a Mini input unit capable of monitoring volt-free contacts in other fire panels, sprinkler flowswitches etc. It replies as a I/O unit and therefore will take 1 of the 20 allowed per loop. End of lineresistance is 22K the firing resistor being 5K6.The MCIM/C is identical to the above this unit replies as a Callpoint so accommodating up to 200 perloop. The response time of operation has also been modified to operate in the same way as aCallpoint, so this item will put a fire on the panel quicker than a standard input generated from an I/Ounit.The MCIM/NF is a Non-Fire input and is identical to the MCIM and MCIM/C. This has beenprogrammed not to indicate a FIRE condition on the panel when in alarm.Loop outputs can be programmed to respond to this device without the need to create a fire conditionon the panel. The panel outputs DO NOT respond to this input.MCIM (INPUT)This new device replies only as an Input number - allowed 200 per loop. It has been introduced toreplace all of the above inputs and is programmed on Site installer for various functions as shown..FIG 38