7 Amended: Jan 2014Loading and TotalsThe general rules are that the panel is capable of supporting up to 200 devices per loop; this can be acombination of Detection, Callpoints, I/O units and Sounders.The protocol and internal memory are constructed in such a way that there are certain loading ruleswhich must be strictly enforced.1. Maximum 200 devices per loop2. Maximum 60 sounders/beacons/sounder beacons (set low) per loop.3. Maximum 20 I/O units per loop which assumes each I/O uses 3 output channels;4. Maximum 120 Output channels based on 2 + 3 above.Certain devices have been constructed to circumvent these rules effectively ‘fooling’ the panel tooffset some of the totals. The maximum 200 per loop CAN NOT be changed.Device Type Total per Loop Replies as RemarksDetectors 200 Optical, Heat or Opto HeatCall points 200 CallpointSounder/Beacon/Sounderbeacon60 Sounder BeaconMIO (single and 3 chan) 20 3 Chan I/OMCOM 20 3 Chan I/OMCOMS 60 Sounder Beacon Uses 1 sounderchannelMCOM - R 20 3 Chan I/OMCIM (old version) 20 3 Chan I/O ObsoleteMCIM - C 200 Callpoint ObsoleteMCIM - NF 200 Non – Fire input ObsoleteMCIM (new version) 200 InputSpur Isolator 200 Takes no address –does take a load.Zone/Shop unit Monitors 20 ZMU/SMU Loop loader allows 20conventional detectors4 Way Sounder controller 20 SCURepeater/Mimic/CIOP 200 Repeater Restricted by load (20)Note 1Beam Detector 200 Beam Detector Restricted by load (20)Note 14 – 20 mA 20 4 – 20mAFan Controller 200 Fan ControllerTech I/O unit 20 I/O and Tech Input Item takes 2addressesAddressable Remote Indicator 60 Sounder BeaconConventional/ AddressableHybrid2 Hybrid 8 Per system –restricted by frequencychannels.Note 1 – The figure in brackets is a recommended total for these devices, there is currently norestriction placed in the Loop loader program.Note 2 – Where total per loop is shown this is a maximum number or a maximum combination withother output devices