44 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL 25-16329-B December 2019 www.eaton.comSection 3: Panel controls & indicatorsEnable/disableEvacuate SilenceAlarmsMuteBuzzer ResetSupervisorFRE offNetwork Enable / DisablelExitEnable/Disable ZoneEnable/Disable I/OEnable/Disable AddressEnable all Devices?Do you want to continue?Yes NoExitEvacuate SilenceAlarmsMuteBuzzer ResetSupervisorFRE offFire Protection: EnabledAux Relay: Enabled Sounder 1: EnabledFault Relay: Enabled Sounder 2: DisabledFire Routing: EnabledDelayed:EnabledEvacuate SilenceAlarmsMuteBuzzer ResetSupervisorFRE offExitZone 001 Zone 1Zone 003 Zone 3Touch “Enabled” button to DisableTouch “Disabled”button to EnableZone 002 Zone 2Zone 004 Zone 4EnabledEnabledDisabledDisabledEnable AllSupervisorFRE offEvacuate SilenceAlarmsMuteBuzzer ResetSupervisorFRE offShowDetectorsShowAlarmsShowI/O Units ExitShowAll001 Device 1, Zone 1Loop: 1, Zone: 1, Type: Opto/thermal EnabledEnabled002 Device 2, Zone 1Loop: 1, Zone: 1, Type: Opto/thermal003 Device 3, Zone 1Loop: 1, Zone: 1, Type: Opto/thermal004 Device 4, Zone 1Loop: 1, Zone: 1, Type: Opto/thermal005 Device 5, Zone 1Loop: 1, Zone: 1, Type: Opto/thermalDisableDisableDisable