84 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL 25-16329-B December 2019 www.eaton.comSection 4: AppendixDetector base wiring (FXN720)Supply voltage 18 - 30 V DCCable size 1.0 - 1.5mm²Recommended cable types FIRETUF, FP200 or MICCMounting hole centres 50 - 80mmWiring hints• Each terminal is suitable for clamping up to 2 wires• Clamping of 2 wires of very different diameters under one screwis not recommended• Suitable for mounting to mounting boxes with 50-80mm fixing centresGeneralIf difficulty is experienced when mounting the sensor, this may be dueto the following:• Wiring causing an obstruction - move or shorten wires• Although the base is tolerant to uneven mounting surfaces, a very uneven surfacemay cause the base to deform when the mounting screws are tightened down -loosen screws to reduce this or slide base to a flat positionWARNINGDO NOT USE HIGH VOLTAGE TESTERS WHENSENSORS OR CONTROL PANEL ARE CONNECTED TOTHE SYSTEM++SS ++FFFF ++SS______ ______________RReemmootteeIInnddiiccaattoorrLLEEDD((ooppttiioonnaall))++VVIINN-- VVEE CC OO MM OO UUTTCompatibleAAnnaalloogguuee AAddddrreessssaabblleeFF iirree AAllaarrmm PP aanneellEE aarrtthh ssccrreeeenn ooff ccaabbllee ttoo bbee ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss bbeettwweeeenn sseennssoorrssLLoooopp SSttaarrttLLoooopp FFiinniisshh-- VVEE CC OO MM IINN