Instruction ManualPage 85 Storage manual5.1 Personal protection5.2 Basic activities before and during storage5.2.1 Basic activitiesThe below mentioned storage and maintenance activities need to be executedand recorded properly in the inspection & maintenance log (document FOR-004 – Maintenance & Inspection Log see appendix A) in order to benefit Eatonwarranty policy. For some specific application or circumstances additionalinstructions can be defined and communicated by Eaton. These additionalinstructions do not replace the general instructions in this manual, but areadditional. In appendix A is shown an example how to fill in the inspection andmaintenance log.5.2.2 Preservation- Preferably the cylinder should be filled 100% with oil- Other option is to fill the cylinder with nitrogen pressure (~ 10 bar)or a combination of both.- During transportation and lifting of the cylinder the piston rodshould always be fully retracted and must remain retracted during storage.- Always protect the extended part of the piston rod. There are several waysto protect a piston rod from environmental threats. Greasing, oiling orwaxing are some of the ways to protect the piston rod. Another way toprotect the piston rod is wrapping with a Denso-system. Eaton can advisewhich system can be used and how to apply this system.- Blind the connection ports of the cylinder with steel plugs or blind flanges(SAE) to prevent the cylinder from entering contamination and make surethat the cylinder is air tight.- Rod eyes and bottom eyes should be protected with cover-plates or equal.Trunnion should be covered by protection-bushings, protection-plates,Lamiflex® or equal.- Oil, grease or wax (Rust-Ban 397 or equivalent, suitable for theenvironment) all blank surfaces (steel parts).- Preferably the cylinders should be stored in vertical position. If not possiblestore the cylinders in horizontal position, free from stresses and/or loads.- The cylinders should be stored in a closed building with a constanttemperature between –10°C and +40°C. Sudden fluctuations intemperature can damage the cylinder.- The environment where the cylinder is stored should be dry, out of directsunlight, damp and erosive material. The relative humidity of the storagearea should preferably not exceed 70% RH.