Instruction ManualPage 11take side loads and / or radial loads. Also the lifetime of the bearings,which are placed in the mounting eyes, will be shortened with radialloads, or loads caused by stress in the construction.7. During transportation the cylinder is fully retracted (unless otherwisespecified). Sometimes the cylinder has an “over-stroke” and will not fitdirectly into the structure. The centre to centre distance, of the fullyretracted cylinder, is shorter than the centre to centre distance of thestructure. In this situation mount the body of the cylinder first and use acrane to balance the cylinder. First fill and air bleed the cylinder (seechapter 6.5). Slowly extend the piston rod at low pressure (use theamount of pressure just to overcome the friction force) until themounting eye, at the end of the piston rod, has reached the correctposition. Then attach the mounting pin.Do not lift the cylinder with the sling connected to the pistonrod that is extending! Support the cylinder at all time withNylon slings.8. Before using and testing the cylinder, read chapter 7 ‘User guide’.9. Connect the cylinder to its hydraulic system.10. Pressurize the cylinder slowly until the piston rod is extending.11. Check the cylinder for any internal or external leakage.12. Do the same again but then the other way around. (Retracting thepiston rod)13. Again check the cylinder for any internal or external leakage.14. If there is no indication of leakage, test the cylinder at low pressure (at25% of the design pressure). Test the cylinder once in extendingposition and once in retracted position. Hold these positions for 5 minand check if the pressure remains at the pre-set pressure. When thepressure drops the cylinder is leaking internal or external. Contact themanufacturer if the cylinder is leaking oil. (Contact info can be found inparagraph 9.2)15. Test the cylinder at high pressure (design pressure). Test the cylinderonce in extending position and once in retracted position. Hold thesepositions for 5 min and check if the pressure remains at the pre-setpressure. When the pressure drops the cylinder is leaking internal orexternal. Contact the manufacturer if the cylinder is leaking oil. (Contactinfo can be found in paragraph 9.2)16. When all tests are finished and no failure has occurred, the cylinder isready to be used again.17. Ensure that the used hydraulic system (pump-unit) that activates thecylinder is in compliance with the standard ISO 4413 and / or EN 982.Stay out of the line of movement of the piston rod and do stay awayfrom connection ports when the cylinder is in operation.6.4 Installation of accessoriesMost of the accessories are already mounted to or into the cylinder. In theappendix additional information is added for most common accessories.