Instruction ManualPage 137 User guide7.1 WarningsStandard hydraulic mineral oil should not exceed a temperature of70°C during operation else it would damage the hydraulic system inuse. Maximum temperature for water glycol is 50°C.Do NOT exceed the maximum working pressure that the cylinder isdesigned for. When the external load can induce a higher pressure,mount an additional pressure-relief valve (set at design pressure)directly to the cylinder oil-port.7.2 Who is allowed to operate a cylinderEveryone who is qualified to operate hydraulic systems can use this system.Eaton Industries B.V. is not responsible and accountable for any accidents,injuries or damage to any equipment during the use of hydraulic cylinders orsystems.7.3 Personal protection7.4 How to operate a cylinderAs operator, make sure nobody is near the equipment in operation. Beforeoperating a cylinder make sure everyone near the cylinder or construction iswearing the right personal protection. Make sure the system is checked andfunctioning well.7.5 General information about accessoriesHyposHYPOS (HYdrowa POsitioning System) is an integrated positioning systemwhich measures the length of the extending or retracting piston rod. Thissystem is mounted in the head of the cylinder. The system is easy to use,because it is preinstalled and tested before the cylinder leaves the factory.When operating the cylinder make sure that the speed of pistonrod doesn’t exceed 5 m/s. HYPOS works properly if the speedremains under 5 m/s.HYPOS can only be used in an area with temperatures between-20°C and 100°C.Mechanical end-switchMechanical end-switches have no difficulties in usage, but be careful with thispart it’s fragile.