InsulGard System Installation and Start Up Guideline15Existing wires totemperaturemeasuring deviceTemperature sensorHumidity sensorTwo 3-wirescables toInsulGardExisting wiresfrom RTDs instator windingUp to 6 coax.cables toInsulGardChannels 4- 9Motor terminal boxRTD terminal boxIPDSA phaseLoad (CT) sensorMotormeeteringCT3 coax. cablesto InsulGardChannels 1- 3IPDSIPDSC phaseB phase2-wires cableto InsulGard.3 phases feederMotorRTD-6 PDSensor Board3-wires cable from sparestator winding RTD toInsulGard (if used insteadof Temperature sensor)Terminate the coax cables from the PD sensors as follows:Channel # Sensor Sensor designationin data base1 IPDS - Phase A CC_A2 IPDS - Phase B CC_B3 IPDS - Phase C CC_C4 RTD 01 (PD 1 output of RTD-6 sensor) RTm015 RTD 02 (PD 2 output of RTD-6 sensor) RTm026 RTD 03 (PD 3 output of RTD-6 sensor) RTm037 RTD 04 (PD 4 output of RTD-6 sensor) RTm048 RTD 05 (PD 5 output of RTD-6 sensor) RTm059 RTD 06 (PD 6 output of RTD-6 sensor) RTm0610 RTD 07 (PD 1 output of the second RTD-6 sensor if available) RTm0711 RTD 08 (PD 2 output of the second RTD-6 sensor if available) RTm0812 RTD 09 (PD 3 output of the second RTD-6 sensor if available) RTm0913 RTD 10 (PD 4 output of the second RTD-6 sensor if available) RTm1014 RTD 11 (PD 5 output of the second RTD-6 sensor if available) RTm1115 RTD 12 (PD 6 output of the second RTD-6 sensor if available) RTm12Figure 1-12. Typical sensor installation and connection for a motor