InsulGard System Installation and Start Up Guideline274. Press Set key on the monitor face plate to enter the setup mode. Password prompt should appear on the displayas shown:Enter SetupPassword: ---0Enter the password 5421 by using “←” and “→” to move to different digits and “↑” and “↓” to change the valuesand then press Enter key. Wait about 20 seconds for the display to change from dashed lines to “Set date” beforepressing any other key. If the wrong password is entered the dashed lines remain on the display until another key ispressed. When InsulGard is in “Set” mode, Set LED will be on.5. Using “←” and “→” keys scroll to Calibrate Current and Press Enter.CalibrateCurrentPress “Enter”6. Use any arrow key to switch from Manual Input to Auto Calculate Coefficient.Enter % of RatedCurrent 000.0 %Enter load current percentage using horizontal arrows to switch between digits and vertical arrows to change thevalue. Press Enter. Current coefficient will be calculated. One can verify the coefficient by going to Manual Inputmenu.7. Press Esc to save changes and to leave Set mode. Monitor will display load current “Current xx.x%” close topercentage entered.8. Note: If equipment is not running Current Coefficient CK can be calculated if Rated Current Irated and themetering CT rating Ict are known. Assumption made that metering CT ratio is always Ict : 5. If rated current wasentered in the settings, calculate Current Coefficient and enter it manually as:CK= 2.2*Ict.If rated current was not changed in the settings from default Irated=1, calculate Current Coefficient and enter itmanually as:CK= 2.2*(Ict/Irated)If only one of Irated and Ict is known use either one for approximate coefficient:CK= 2.2*I (I entered in the setting) or CK= 2.2 (for default I=1 in settings).If Irated used, readings will be lower than actual. If Ict used, readings, will be higher than actual. CK can becorrected later by multiplying by coefficient equal to the actual relative load(%) divided by InsulGard readings.9. FlexCore primary CT with the Load Current sensor might be installed over 1 feeder of several feeders perphase. There will be no valid current measurement in this case, but current monitoring will be still sufficient forPD diagnostics purpose. Multiply CK coefficient by number of feeders in such case.10. After exiting setting mode in InsulGard go to Communications Tab in the software and Get Settings from Deviceto synchronize settings in the monitor and software. Click Update Data base with Device settings when CKdiscrepancy will be displayed.11. In InsulGard “Unit Settings” Tab save new configuration by clicking “Back Up Settings” button.Note: Older versions of InsulGard hardware and firmware may have deviation from the describedabove procedure – consult to the Manuals that came with that device or consult to EE PD.