InsulGard System Installation and Start Up Guideline243. Click on Copy button and Paste the picture into a word document for the records.4. Write down in PD sensors configuration table (see Appendix 3) approximate magnitude measured in the channelconnected to the sensor under the test. You can expect to see higher magnitudes for the sensor where thesignal injected and lower magnitudes for the rest of channels reflecting pulse cross-coupling and attenuation.Typical magnitudes for IPDS sensor is ~ 1-2V, for RFCT with pulse injection to feeder termination is ~0.5-1 V.Those magnitudes can differ significantly depending on size and number of feeders connected to thetermination.This measurement process should be repeated by injecting signals to every sensor. Response for similarsensors and similar geometry should be similar.5. Switch Off and remove the calibrating generator.6. Click “Recall BackUp” in Unit Settings Tab and send settings to the device to restore the proper settings.7. We recommend saving calibration data (Calibration XX.mdb) for your records.8. Erase all data stored in the InsulGard by clicking “Erase Device Memory” in “Communications” tab.2.5 Baseline Measurement on Energized ObjectAt this point all signal cables are connected and the InsulGard is powered up, the equipment energized and runningand the software is installed on the PC. Data base configuration is verified and corresponds to the application.Note: If Calibration/Verification procedure (see above) hasn’t been performed and the equipment already energized,it is possible to verify what PD sensors are connected to the Sensor Interface Board:- Check that PD sensor coax cables is not shorted at its termination on the Sensor Interface Board (see Figure 3above)- Measure AC voltage across coax cable terminations. The output voltage for IPDS sensor should be ~0.7VAC for13.8 kV systems (for different system change that value proportionally).- Then measure output resistance of the cables which have AC voltage near zero.For RFCT sensor this resistance should be ~ 2 Ohms or less. Basically it is the resistance of the coax cable anddepends on its length. For the shorted coax cable this resistance can be as for RFCT sensor.For IPDS sensor this resistance should be close to 3kOhm and there is no AC output voltage because shieldand central wire of coaxial cable were swapped at connection to the sensor.For broken coax cable this resistance should be indefinite.2.6 Phase Shift MeasurementIn order to provide a phase-resolved data, InsulGard uses phase synchronization signal. InsulGard monitorhas the internal connection from power supply AC voltage to the synchronization circuitry. “Synchronous” option(default) works on monitored objects powered from a regular power system (60/50Hz) in the area. Phase shiftbetween InsulGard AC power and HV phase in the monitored object should be determined to get proper phaseresolved PD patterns and increase diagnostic capabilities.If this phase shift is known or determined by any other means (oscilloscope or any phase-meter) it can bemanually entered in the monitor settings from key pad or through the software.