InsulGard System Installation and Start Up Guideline282.8 Base Line MeasurementsThe final steps include taking phase resolved data records in Test mode and analyzing the data.1. Erase any pre-existing data in the device memory by pressing “Erase Device Memory” button in the right top on“Communications” window. It will take about a minute for the device to accomplish.2. Go to the Unit Settings tab and change the Data Storage Mode from "Normal" (Brief) to "Test” (Full).3. Go to the Communications Tab on the InsulGard software and press "Send Settings To Device" button to updatethe current configuration.4. On the Communications window press the "Single Measurement" button. This should force the InsulGard tomake a measurement. You should see "--------" across the InsulGard display. This process can take as long as 6minutes. After finishing measurements InsulGard will return to scrolling mode and will be ready for the nextmeasurement.5. Repeat step 4 three more times.6. Once all measurements are complete, press the "Read The Latest Device Records" button on theCommunications window. This will upload all data to the computer.7. Go to the Unit Settings screen and change the Data Storage Mode from "Test" to "Normal".8. If load sensor on a rotating machine is functioning properly check the box next to Load% to suspend InsulGardmeasurements while machine is out of operation.9. Go to the Communications Tab and press the "Send Settings To Device” button" to update monitorconfiguration.Failing to return to Normal mode will lead to storing excessive information in the device memory andwasting flash memory resource.10. Analyze the data. Reasonable changes can be made to settings based on data obtained. Send database toEEPD if any questions.InsulGard can be left for monitoring