CONFIGURING THE CARDEATON Power Xpert® Gateway Series 1000 Card User’s Guide S 164201670 Rev 128Configuring EMP SettingsNOTE Verify that the Power Xpert Gateway Card DIP switch #2 is set to the ON position,enabling the card for communication with an EMP.To configure the EMP settings:1. From the card’s Web page, click the Environmental Monitoring Probelink from the menu bar.2. For Contact #1 and #2, enter the Contact Description, such asExternal Contact #1 and External Contact #2.3. For Contact #1 and #2, select the Contact Type as Normally Open orNormally Closed from the pull-down menu. Disabled is the default.4. To set the temperature limits of the EMP, enter 0 to 70 degreesCelsius for the Temperature Upper Limit and the Temperature LowerLimit. The default for the upper limit is 70; the default for the lowerlimit is 0.5. Use the Temperature Hysteresis to control the alarm when thecurrent value is hovering around the limit. When the EMPtemperature measure activates the alarm, it can come out of thealarm state only by dropping below the Temperature Hysteresisvalue. Enter a value between 0 and 10 percent. The default is2 percent.6. To set the humidity limits of the EMP, enter 0 to 90 percent for theHumidity Upper Limit and the Humidity Lower Limit. The default for theupper limit is 90; the default for the lower limit is 0.7. Use the Humidity Hysteresis to control the alarm when the currentvalue is hovering around the limit. When the EMP humiditymeasure activates the alarm, it can come out of the alarm state onlyby dropping below the Humidity Hysteresis value. Enter a valuebetween 0 and 20 percent. The default is 2 percent.8. Click Apply to save the settings.