57InStALLAtIon And opErAtIon mAnuAL 25-13741-E January 2020 www.eaton.com11. CommissioningAccess rightsAccess profiles can be provided rights to perform below functions.1. Remote Access: This option is valid for a networked system only.It provides permission to log in to other panels on the network.This feature is available only with MASTER panel of the network.It enables network monitoring and configuration from a single point.2. Accept Faults: Permission to clear the faults from active faults log.Faults should be cleared from active log once they are resolved.3. Event log: Permission to view event log of the panel.4. Fault log: Permission to view fault log of the panel.5. Call log: Permission to view call log of the panel.6. Manage Users: Permission to enable, modify access rights and PIN forall access profiles.7. Change PIN: Permission to change PIN of self.8. Display Settings: Permission to view / modify display related settings.9. System Time/Date: Permission to set / update time, date, DST settingsfor the network.10. System Service Date: Permission to set service date for the network.11. Install: Permission to access Install menu and configure the system.12. Test: Permission to run diagnostic tests on the panel.ote:n When changing default access rights for any profile, exercise caution.As a best practice to enhance security, ensure minimum rights required areenabled for any user of the system.