3–34 869 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSOFTWARE INTERFACE CHAPTER 3: INTERFACESExample:The Phase CT Primary value has a setting range of 1 to 12000, but the userenters 12001 and tries to save it. Quick Setup displays a warning dialog. Pressing OKleaves the setting value at 12001, but not 12000 (max. value) as is the case with otherviews.Upgrading Relay FirmwareTo upgrade the 869 firmware, follow the procedures listed in this section. Upon successfulcompletion of this procedure, the 869 will have new firmware installed with the factorydefault setpoints.The latest firmware files are available from the GE Grid Solutions websiteat http://www.gegridsolutions.com.FASTPATH:EnerVista 8 Series Setup software prevents incompatible firmware from being loaded intoan 869 relay.FASTPATH:Note that uploading firmware on a Wi-Fi interface is not allowed.Note that uploading firmware to a relay having a Communications card must be donewith “Port 4 operation” configured as independent.FASTPATH:Before upgrading firmware, it is very important to save the current 869 settings to a file onyour PC. After the firmware has been upgraded, it will be necessary to load this file backinto the 869. Refer to Downloading and Saving Setpoints Files for details on saving relaysetpoints to a file.