CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTS CONTROL869 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–371DROPOUT DELAYRange: 0.000 to 6000.000 s in steps of 0.001 sDefault: 0.100 sThe setting is used to set the period of time for which the Breaker Fail output is sealed-in.This timer must be coordinated with the automatic reclosing scheme of the failedbreaker, to which the Breaker Failure element sends a cancel reclosure signal. Reclosureof a remote breaker can also be prevented by holding a transfer Trip signal on for longerthan the reclaim time.BLOCKRange: Off, Any FlexLogic operandDefault: OffOUTPUT RELAY XFor details see Common Setpoints.EVENTSRange: Disabled, EnabledDefault: EnabledTARGETSRange: Disabled, Self-reset, LatchedDefault: Self-resetInitiate Path: Setpoints > Control > Breaker Failure 1 > BF1 InitiateEXTERNAL INITIATERange: Off, Any FlexLogic operandDefault: OffThe setpoint selects the FlexLogic operand that initiates the Breaker Failure scheme;typically the trip signals from external devices.FASTPATH:The trip signals from internal protection functions may be used with the help of FlexLogic,but for easier setting the Breaker Failure function is provided with a BF1 INITIATE submenu.INITIATE IN1 (to IN15)Range: Off, Any FlexLogic operandDefault: Ph TOC 1 OPThe setpoint selects the FlexLogic operand that initiates the Breaker Failure scheme;typically the trip signals from internal protection functions.FASTPATH:The default setting includes the following protection functions:Ph TOC 1 OPPh TOC 2 OPPh IOC 1 OPPh IOC 2 OPNtrl TOC 1 OPNtrl TOC 2 OPNtrl IOC 1 OPNtrl IOC 2 OPGND TOC 1 OPGND IOC 1 OP