CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTS DEVICE869 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–53LED 5 (17) NAMERange: Up to 13 alphanumeric charactersDefault: LED 5The setpoint is used to select the LED name by choosing up to 13 alphanumericcharacters.LED 5 (17) COLORRange: Off, Red, Green, OrangeDefault: OrangeThe setpoint selects the color of the LED. Three colors are available for selectiondepending on the user’s preference: Red, Green, and Orange.LED 5 (17) TRIGGERRange: Off, Any FlexLogic operandsDefault: Testing OnThis setpoint requires the assigning of a FlexLogic operand to trigger the selected LEDupon operation.LED 5 (17) TYPERange: Self-reset, LatchedDefault: Testing OnThe setpoint defines the type of LED indication as either Self-Reset (the LED resets afterthe FlexLogic operand drops out), or Latched (the LED stays latched upon dropping outof the FlexLogic operand).Note 1:• LED 1: IN-SERVICE – non-programmable. The LED is hardcoded to show a green lightwhen the relay is fully functional and an orange light when the relay is notprogrammed, or experiences a self-test error.• LED 2: TRIP - see the default setpoint above and the description• LED 3: ALARM - see the default setpoint above and the description• LED 4: PICKUP – non-programmable. The LED is hardcoded to show a green lightwhen at least one element has picked up.ProgrammablePushbuttonsThe user-programmable pushbuttons provide an easy and error-free method of enteringdigital state (on, off) information. Depending on the faceplate three to ten pushbuttons areavailable for programming.The digital state of the pushbuttons can be entered only locally (by directly pressing thefront panel pushbutton). Typical applications include switching device control and settingsgroups changes. The user-programmable pushbuttons are under the control level ofpassword protection.The user-configurable pushbuttons for the enhanced faceplate areshown below.Figure 4-11: Programmable PBs on Front PanelEach pushbutton asserts its own ON and OFF FlexLogic operands (for example,PUSHBUTTON 1 ON and PUSHBUTTON 1 OFF). These operands are available for eachpushbutton and are used to program specific actions. Each pushbutton has an associated