CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTS FLEXLOGIC869 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–389Logic Design Last Saved, Logic Design Last Compiled, and FlexLogic Editor Last Saved:Each of these three read-only variables holds the time stamp that represents the time thatthe operation (of the respective variable) was performed.1. When no Logic (New file creation) is present these timestamps are set to default textrepresentations.2. Time stamps are displayed in the format ‘Mon DD YYYY HH:MM:SS’ [Jun 22 198114:20:00]3. Each time a ‘Save’ operation is performed in the ‘FlexLogic Equation Editor’ screen, the‘FlexLogic Editor Last Saved’ entry gets updated.4. Based on the values present at each launch of the ‘FlexLogic Equation Editor’ screen,internal validation prompts the relevant user messages. These user prompts must befollowed by the user to ensure the ‘FlexLogic’ configuration is synchronized with the‘Logic Designer’.These three variables are shown in color in the FlexLogic Equation Editor based ontimestamps. Color is used to indicate the change (non-synchronization if any) ofFlexLogic between the FlexLogic Editor and Logic Designer Screens.File Conversion and Handling of Time Stamps: When File Conversion is applied the threetime stamps are processed (either carry forwarded, defaulted, updated with latest PC time)based on the Source and Destination File versions and Order code supported.The following cases depict the nature of the three time stamps after a file conversion.In a typical scenario where both the FlexLogic Designer and FlexLogic Editor are used forconfiguring FlexLogic, the updated time stamps will appear as shown in the followingfigure.Source Version TargetVersionIs FlexLogicChange Detected?Time Stamps[LDLs, LDLc, FELs]**>= 160 >= 160 YES [ 0^ , 0 , PCTime**]>= 160 >=160 NO *Existing time stamps are copied tothe converted file< 160 >= 160 YES [ 0 , 0 , PCTime]< 160 (& > 120***) >= 160 NO [PCTime, PCTime, PCTime,]** LDLs – Logic Designer Last Saved,LDLc– Logic Designer Last Compiled andFELs – FlexLogic Editor Last Saved** PCTime The time that the file conversion took place^ 0 Indicates the time stamps are being defaulted*** There is no support for Logic Designer [Graphical Editor] below version 130* For each specific case, the source files for Logic Designer (Graphical) content willalso get copied “as is” to the destination folder. This enables the user to retain oldcontent “as is”.