B–6 869 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALREVISION HISTORY CHAPTER B: APPENDIX B5-1 5-1 Removed heading for Lockout Times from Motor>LockoutTimes5-6 5-7 Added: Flex State status descriptionGeneral General Minor CorrectionsTable 7: Major Updates for 869-A3PAGE NUMBER CHANGESManual revision number from A2 to A3, and Product versionrevision from 1.2x to 1.3xChapter 2 added specifications for new and modified featuresChapter 4Added 2 Speed Motor protection, updated Acceleration time,updated Mechanical jam, added Reduced Voltage starting,updated RTD temperature, updated Thermal model, updatedUndercurrentChapter 5 Added 2 Speed Motor protectionChapter 6 Updated RTDGeneral Minor CorrectionsTable 8: Major Updates for 869-A2PAGE NUMBER CHANGESManual revision number from A1 to A2, and Product versionrevision from 1.0x to 1.2xCover Revised titleChapter 1 Revised specifications and order code tableChapter 2 Revised wiring diagrams, rear terminal descriptionsChapter 3 Revised front panel display descriptions, EnerVista setupChapter 4 Revised setpoint descriptions, PC program screen shots,diagrams, and logic diagramsChapter 5, 6, 7 Revised some PC program screen shots and settingsdescriptionsChapter 8 Revised Event Classification Rules figure, some images, andsettings descriptionsAppendix A added application noteAppendix B added change notes and warranty descriptionGeneral Minor CorrectionsTable 6: Major Updates for 869-A4PAGENUMBER(A3)PAGENUMBER(A4)CHANGES