4-20 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFRONT PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES4Figure 4-23: Toolbar options for single-line diagramThe letters T, S, B, R, and X next to a controllable element have the following meaning:• T — The element is "tagged." Local and remote control of the device are inhibited, both open and close. Tripping isunaffected unless additional logic has been configured.• S — The position indication of the device is substituted with a manually entered value• B — Blocking open/close command is bypassed• R — Autoreclose is enabled and not blocked• X — The device is out-of-service and control is not availableSingle-line diagram exampleThe following example outlines how to create a circuit breaker diagram, then how to close the second circuit breaker.The figure shows six switches, two breakers, feeder, and ground.