5-50 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5The Distributed Network Protocol (DNP) allows for the optimization of control and data acquisition between the equipmentin the substation and the central control center. The protocol is scalable; that is, it is designed to be compatible with thelatest high speed LAN technology yet still be implemented over slower speed serial links.The DNP improves upon many master-slave protocols by improving overall communication performance requirementsand provides time-stamping with millisecond accuracy.The B90 supports the Distributed Network Protocol (DNP) version 3.0. DNP is enabled when the SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL setting is set to DNP 3.0. The B90 can be used as a DNP slave device connected tomultiple DNP masters (usually an RTU or a SCADA master station). Since the B90 maintains two sets of DNP data changebuffers and connection information, two DNP masters can actively communicate with the B90 at one time.DNP is not available using the USB port on the graphical front panel.See the UR Family Communications Guide for more information on DNP.The DNP Channels sub-menu is shown.SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS DNP PROTOCOL DNP CHANNELSThe DNP CHANNEL 1 PORT and DNP CHANNEL 2 PORT settings select the communications port assigned to the DNP protocolfor each channel. Once DNP is assigned to a serial port, DNP is the only protocol running on that port; Modbus or IEC60870-5-103 are disabled. If DNP is assigned to RS485, the protocol must be set to DNP on the serial port configuration aswell, for the change to take effect. When the DNP CHANNEL 1(2) PORT setting is set to “Network - TCP,” the channel 1(2) DNPprotocol can be used over TCP/IP on the Ethernet ports. When this value is set to “Network - UDP,” the DNP protocol can beused over UDP/IP on channel 1 only. The "Front Panel - RS232" setting does not apply to the graphical front panel; whenselected the DNP client cannot establish a connection on a USB port.For any change to take effect, restart the relay.The DNP ADDRESS setting is the DNP slave address. This number identifies the B90 on a DNP communications link. Assign aunique address to each DNP slave.The B90 can specify a maximum of five clients for its DNP connections. These are IP addresses for the controllers to whichthe B90 can connect. The settings follow.SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS DNP PROTOCOL DNP NETWORK CLIENT ADDRESSESThe DNP TCP/UDP PORT NUMBER setting is for normal DNP operation. To close the port, set the port number to 0. The changetakes effect when the B90 is restarted.The DNP UNSOL RESPONSE FUNCTION is set to “Disabled” for RS485 applications since there is no collision avoidancemechanism. The DNP UNSOL RESPONSE TIMEOUT sets the time the B90 waits for a DNP master to confirm an unsolicitedresponse. The DNP UNSOL RESPONSE MAX RETRIES setting determines the number of times the B90 retransmits anunsolicited response without receiving confirmation from the master; a value of “255” allows infinite re-tries. The DNPUNSOL RESPONSE DEST ADDRESS is the DNP address to which all unsolicited responses are sent. The IP address to whichsolicited responses are sent is determined by the B90 from the current TCP connection or the most recent UDP message. DNP CHANNELS DNP CHANNEL 1 PORT:NONERange: NONE, COM1 - RS485, COM2 - RS485, FRONTPANEL - RS232, NETWORK - TCP, NETWORK - UDP DNP CHANNEL 2 PORT:NONERange: NONE, COM1 - RS485, COM2 - RS485, FRONTPANEL - RS232, NETWORK - TCPDo not set more than one protocol to the same TCP/UDP port number, as this results in unreliable operation ofthose protocols. DNP NETWORK CLIENT ADDRESSES CLIENT ADDRESS 1: standard IP address CLIENT ADDRESS 5: standard IP address