5-46 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5• PRT1 IP ADDRESS = SUBNET IP MASK = GWY IP ADDRESS = IP ADDRESS = SUBNET IP MASK = behavior before release 7.10 was as follows. When sending packets to EnerVista, the UR noticed that the destinationwas not on a connected network and it tried to find a route to destination. Since the default route was the only route itknew, it used it. Yet EnerVista was on a private network, which was not reachable through Router1. Hence a destinationunreachable message was received from the router.The configuration starting with release 7.10 is as follows:• PRT1 IP ADDRESS = SUBNET IP MASK = IP ADDRESS = SUBNET IP MASK = DEFAULT ROUTE: GATEWAY ADDRESS = NETWORK ROUTE 1: RT1 DESTINATION =; RT1 NET MASK =; and RT1 GATEWAY = behavior since release 7.10 is as follows. There is one added static network route to the destination, wherea computer running EnerVista is located. This static route uses a different gateway ( than the default route. Thisgateway is the address of Router2, which has knowledge about and is able to route packets coming from the URand destined to EnerVista.Show routes and ARP tablesThis feature is available on the Web interface, where the main menu contains an additional Communications menu andtwo submenus:• Routing Table• ARP TableThe tables outline the information displayed when the two submenus are selected.Table 5-7: Routing table informationTable 5-8: IP ARP information5.3.6.8 Modbus protocolSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS MODBUS PROTOCOLField DescriptionDestination The IP address of the remote network to which this route pointsMask The network mask for the destinationGateway The IP address of the next router to the remote networkInterface Interface through which the specified network can be reachedField DescriptionIP Address The network address that corresponds to Hardware AddressAge (min) Age, in minutes, of the cache entry. A hyphen (-) means the address is local.Hardware Address LAN hardware address, a MAC address that corresponds to network addressType Dynamic or StaticInterface Interface to which this address mapping has been assigned MODBUS PROTOCOL MODBUS SLAVEADDRESS: 254Range: 1 to 254 in steps of 1 MODBUS TCP PORTNUMBER(502): 502Range: 0 to 65535 in steps of 1