5-28 B90 LOW IMPEDANCE BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Screen Saver IntensityRange: 0, 10, 20, or 30 %Default: 30 %The screen saver mode extends the life of the display. This setting sets the brightness of the display while the screensaver is active. For example, 0% means that the screen is dark and nothing displays. Pressing any pushbutton orchanging a setting in the software, for example, re-activates the display.Number of Rolling Mode PagesRange: 1 to 10 in steps of 1Default: 1This setting specifies the number of rolling pages. During rolling mode, the graphical front panel displays pages from 1to the selected number.Rolling Mode Page 1 to 10Range: Product Information, SLD 1…5, Annunciator, Annunciator 1…8, Phasors 1…6, Tabular 1…5, Event Records, TargetsDefault: Product InformationThese settings specify the pages to display on the graphical front panel while in rolling mode.The "Annunciator" selection without a page number specifies the first annunciator page in the following sequence:– The first annunciator page that contains an annunciator window that is in alarm (fast flash)– The first annunciator page that contains an annunciator window that is in ringback. Ringback is a "return alert."Visual and audible signals are given when conditions return to normal, then the sequence returns to normal bypushing the RESET button.– The first annunciator page that contains an annunciator window that is in abnormal state– Annunciator page 1Whenever an annunciator window changes state the list is re-evaluated, which can result in the display of a differentannunciator page in the rolling sequence.The Tabular option displays a configured actual values/metering page.The Targets option displays error messages. Metering editorThis feature creates tables of actual/metered values for the graphical front panel. It configures the content that displays inthe Metering Tab pushbutton. An actual value, status, or text can be displayed. Five tabular metering pages can beconfigured. There also can be a phasor page for each configured AC source, and these pages are not configurable.The path is Settings > Product Setup > Graphical Panel > Metering Editor.Set the Current Page, Page Name, Layout, configure the top inputs, then the cells. The 16 inputs at the top of the page areused as inputs for the Status Index fields. Click the Preview button to view the page.For a phasor diagram, configure the source under Settings > System Setup > Signal Sources. The diagram is thenviewable by pushing the Metering Tab pushbutton on the graphical front panel. The Metering Editor is not used.The figures show setup and preview for monitoring actual values in a table on the graphical front panel.