GE Multilin C60 Breaker Management Relay 5-695 SETTINGS 5.6 CONTROL ELEMENTS5AR PROGRAMS:The autorecloser provides four programs that can cause one or two reclose attempts (shots). The second reclose willalways be three pole. If the maximum number of shots selected is "1" (only one reclose attempt) and the fault is persistent,after the first reclose the scheme will go to Lockout upon another Initiate signal.For the 3-pole reclose programs (modes 3 and 4), an "AR FORCE 3-P" FlexLogicô operand is set. This operand can beused in connection with the tripping logic to cause a three-pole trip for single-phase faults.ï MODE 1, 1 & 3 POLE: When in this mode the autorecloser starts the AR 1-P DEAD TIME timer for the first shot if theautoreclose is single-phase initiated, the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 1 timer if the autoreclose is three-phase initiated, and the AR3-P DEAD TIME 2 timer if the autoreclose is three-phase time delay initiated. If two shots are enabled, the second shot isalways three-phase and the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2 timer is started.ï MODE 2, 1 POLE: When in this mode the autorecloser starts the AR 1-P DEAD TIME for the first shot if the fault is singlephase. If the fault is three-phase the scheme goes to lockout without reclosing. If two shots are enabled, the secondshot is always three-phase and starts AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2.ï MODE 3, 3 POLE-A: When in this mode the autorecloser is initiated only for single phase faults, although the trip isthree pole. The autorecloser uses the "AR 3-P DEAD TIME 1" for the first shot if the fault is single phase. If the fault ismulti phase the scheme will go to Lockout without reclosing. If two shots are enabled, the second shot is always three-phase and starts "AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2".ï MODE 4, 3 POLE-B: When in this mode the autorecloser is initiated for any type of fault and starts the AR 3-P DEADTIME 1 for the first shot. If the initiating signal is AR 3P TD INIT the scheme starts AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2 for the first shot. Iftwo shots are enabled, the second shot is always three-phase and starts AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2.BASIC RECLOSING OPERATION:Reclosing operation is determined primarily by the AR MODE and AR BKR SEQUENCE settings. The reclosing sequences arestarted by the initiate inputs. A reclose initiate signal will send the scheme into the Reclose In Progress (RIP) state, assert-ing the "AR RIP" operand. The scheme is latched into the RIP state and resets only when an "AR CLS BKR 1" (autoreclosebreaker 1) or "AR CLS BKR 2" (autoreclose breaker 2) operand is generated or the scheme goes to the Lockout state.The dead time for the initial reclose operation will be determined by either the AR 1-P DEAD TIME, AR 3-P DEAD TIME 1, or AR3-P DEAD TIME 2 setting, depending on the fault type and the mode selected. After the dead time interval the scheme willassert the "AR CLOSE BKR 1" or "AR CLOSE BKR 2" operands, as determined by the sequence selected. These oper-ands are latched until the breaker closes or the scheme goes to Reset or Lockout.There are three initiate programs: single pole initiate, three pole initiate and three pole, time delay initiate. Any of thesereclose initiate signals will start the reclose cycle and set the "Reclose in progress" (AR RIP) operand. The reclose inprogress operand is sealed-in until the Lockout or Reset signal appears.The three-pole initiate and three-pole time delay initiate signals are latched until the "Close Bkr1 or Bkr2" or Lockout orReset signal appears.AR PAUSE:The pause input offers the possibility of freezing the autoreclose cycle until the pause signal disappears. This may be donewhen a trip occurs and simultaneously or previously, some conditions are detected such as out-of step or loss of guard fre-quency, or a remote transfer trip signal is received. The pause signal blocks all three dead timers. When the "pause" signaldisappears the autoreclose cycle is resumed by initiating the AR 3-P DEAD TIME 2.Table 5ñ15: AR PROGRAMSMODENO.AR MODE FIRST SHOT SECOND SHOTSINGLE-PHASEFAULTMULTI-PHASEFAULTSINGLE-PHASEFAULTMULTI-PHASEFAULT1 1 & 3 POLE 1 POLE 3 POLE 3 POLE or LO 3 POLE or LO2 1 POLE 1 POLE LO 3 POLE or LO 3 POLE or LO3 3 POLE-A 3 POLE LO 3 POLE or LO LO4 3 POLE-B 3 POLE 3 POLE 3 POLE or LO 3 POLE or LONote: LO = Lockoutwww . ElectricalPartManuals . com