GE Multilin C60 Breaker Management Relay 3-13 HARDWARE 3.1 DESCRIPTION33 HARDWARE 3.1 DESCRIPTION 3.1.1 PANEL CUTOUTThe relay is available as a 19-inch rack horizontal mount unit or as a reduced size (æ) vertical mount unit, with a removablefaceplate. The modular design allows the relay to be easily upgraded or repaired by a qualified service person. The face-plate is hinged to allow easy access to the removable modules, and is itself removable to allow mounting on doors with lim-ited rear depth. There is also a removable dust cover that fits over the faceplate, which must be removed when attemptingto access the keypad or RS232 communications port.The vertical and horizontal case dimensions are shown below, along with panel cutout details for panel mounting. Whenplanning the location of your panel cutout, ensure that provision is made for the faceplate to swing open without interfer-ence to or from adjacent equipment.The relay must be mounted such that the faceplate sits semi-flush with the panel or switchgear door, allowing the operatoraccess to the keypad and the RS232 communications port. The relay is secured to the panel with the use of four screwssupplied with the relay.Figure 3ñ1: C60 VERTICAL MOUNTING AND DIMENSIONSe UR SERIESUR SERIESwww . ElectricalPartManuals . com