5-20 C60 Breaker Management Relay GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS55.2.10 USER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDSPATH: SETTINGS ! PRODUCT SETUP !" USER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDSThe TRIP and ALARM LEDs are on LED panel 1. Each indicator can be programmed to become illuminated when theselected FlexLogicô operand is in the logic 1 state. There are 48 amber LEDs across the relay faceplate LED panels. Eachof these indicators can be programmed to illuminate when the selected FlexLogicô operand is in the logic 1 state.ï LEDs 1 through 24 inclusive are on LED panel 2; LEDs 25 through 48 inclusive are on LED panel 3.Refer to the LED INDICATORS section in the HUMAN INTERFACES chapter for the locations of these indexed LEDs. Thismenu selects the operands to control these LEDs. Support for applying user-customized labels to these LEDs is provided.If the LED X TYPE setting is "Self-Reset" (default setting), the LED illumination will track the state of the selected LED oper-and. If the LED X TYPE setting is ëLatchedí, the LED, once lit, remains so until reset by the faceplate RESET button, from aremote device via a communications channel, or from any programmed operand, even if the LED operand state de-asserts.Refer to the CONTROL OF SETTINGS GROUPS example in the CONTROL ELEMENTS section for group activation.# USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LEDS# TRIP & ALARM# LEDSTRIP LED INPUT:OFFRange: FlexLogicô operandALARM LED INPUT:OFFRange: FlexLogicô operand# USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LED 1LED 1 OPERAND:OffRange: FlexLogicô operandLED 1 TYPE:Self-ResetRange: Self-Reset, Latched# USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LED 2↓# USER-PROGRAMMABLE# LED 48Table 5ñ4: RECOMMENDED SETTINGS FOR LED PANEL 2 LABELSSETTING PARAMETER SETTING PARAMETERLED 1 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 1 LED 13 Operand OffLED 2 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 2 LED 14 Operand BREAKER 2 OPENLED 3 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 3 LED 15 Operand BREAKER 2 CLOSEDLED 4 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 4 LED 16 Operand BREAKER 2 TROUBLELED 5 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 5 LED 17 Operand SYNC 1 SYNC OPLED 6 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 6 LED 18 Operand SYNC 2 SYNC OPLED 7 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 7 LED 19 Operand OffLED 8 Operand SETTING GROUP ACT 8 LED 20 Operand OffLED 9 Operand BREAKER 1 OPEN LED 21 Operand AR ENABLEDLED 10 Operand BREAKER 1 CLOSED LED 22 Operand AR DISABLEDLED 11 Operand BREAKER 1 TROUBLE LED 23 Operand AR RIPLED 12 Operand Off LED 24 Operand AR LOwww . ElectricalPartManuals . com