8-24 C60 Breaker Management Relay GE Multilin8.5 CONTROL ELEMENTS 8 COMMISSIONING8Counter 5 BlockCounter 5 Set to PresetCounter 5 ResetCounter 5 Freeze/ResetCounter 5 Freeze/CountDIGITAL COUNTER 6Counter 6 FunctionCounter 6 NameCounter 6 UnitsCounter 6 PresetCounter 6 CompareCounter 6 UpCounter 6 DownCounter 6 BlockCounter 6 Set to PresetCounter 6 ResetCounter 6 Freeze/ResetCounter 6 Freeze/CountDIGITAL COUNTER 7Counter 7 FunctionCounter 7 NameCounter 7 UnitsCounter 7 PresetCounter 7 CompareCounter 7 UpCounter 7 DownCounter 7 BlockCounter 7 Set to PresetCounter 7 ResetCounter 7 Freeze/ResetCounter 7 Freeze/CountDIGITAL COUNTER 8Counter 8 FunctionCounter 8 NameCounter 8 UnitsCounter 8 PresetCounter 8 CompareCounter 8 UpCounter 8 DownCounter 8 BlockCounter 8 Set to PresetCounter 8 ResetCounter 8 Freeze/ResetCounter 8 Freeze/CountBREAKER 1 ARCING CURRENTBkr 1 Arc Amp FunctionBkr 1 Arc Amp SourceTable 8ñ5: CONTROL ELEMENTS (Sheet 7 of 8)SETTING VALUEBkr 1 Arc Amp InitBkr 1 Arc Amp DelayBkr 1 Arc Amp LimitBkr 1 Arc Amp BlockBkr 1 Arc Amp TargetBkr 1 Arc Amp EventsBREAKER 2 ARCING CURRENTBkr 2 Arc Amp FunctionBkr 2 Arc Amp SourceBkr 2 Arc Amp InitBkr 2 Arc Amp DelayBkr 2 Arc Amp LimitBkr 2 Arc Amp BlockBkr 2 Arc Amp TargetBkr 2 Arc Amp EventsTable 8ñ5: CONTROL ELEMENTS (Sheet 8 of 8)SETTING VALUEwww . ElectricalPartManuals . com