GE Multilin C60 Breaker Management Relay D-9APPENDIX D D.1 IEC 60870-5-104 PROTOCOLDDefinition of time outs:Maximum range of values for all time outs: 1 to 255 s, accuracy 1 sMaximum number of outstanding I-format APDUs k and latest acknowledge APDUs (w):Maximum range of values k: 1 to 32767 (2 15 ñ 1) APDUs, accuracy 1 APDUMaximum range of values w: 1 to 32767 APDUs, accuracy 1 APDURecommendation: w should not exceed two-thirds of k.Portnumber:RFC 2200 suite:RFC 2200 is an official Internet Standard which describes the state of standardization of protocols used in the Internetas determined by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). It offers a broad spectrum of actual standards used in the Inter-net. The suitable selection of documents from RFC 2200 defined in this standard for given projects has to be chosenby the user of this standard.Ethernet 802.3Serial X.21 interfaceOther selection(s) from RFC 2200 (list below if selected)PARAMETER DEFAULTVALUEREMARKS SELECTEDVALUEt0 30 s Timeout of connection establishment 120 st1 15 s Timeout of send or test APDUs 15 st2 10 s Timeout for acknowlegements in case of no data messages t2 < t1 10 st3 20 s Timeout for sending test frames in case of a long idle state 20 sPARAMETER DEFAULTVALUEREMARKS SELECTEDVALUEk 12 APDUs Maximum difference receive sequence number to send state variable 12 APDUsw 8 APDUs Latest acknowledge after receiving w I-format APDUs 8 APDUsPARAMETER VALUE REMARKSPortnumber 2404 In all caseswww . ElectricalPartManuals . com