CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS FLEXLOGICC60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-1815For the example shown, the output of the AND gate is used as an input to both OR#1 and Timer 1, and must thereforebe made a virtual output and assigned the next available number (that is, Virtual Output 3). The final output must alsobe assigned to a virtual output as virtual output 4, which is programmed in the contact output section to operate relayH1 (that is, contact output H1).Therefore, the required logic can be implemented with two FlexLogic equations with outputs of virtual output 3 andvirtual output 4, shown as follows.Figure 5-89: Logic example with virtual outputs2. Prepare a logic diagram for the equation to produce virtual output 3, as this output is used as an operand in the virtualoutput 4 equation (create the equation for every output that is used as an operand first, so that when these operandsare required they already have been evaluated and assigned to a specific virtual output). The logic for virtual output 3is shown as follows with the final output assigned.Figure 5-90: Logic for virtual output 33. Prepare a logic diagram for virtual output 4, replacing the logic ahead of virtual output 3 with a symbol identified asvirtual output 3, shown as follows.