CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTSC60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-2975In this architecture, Devices 1 and 3 do not communicate directly. Therefore, Device 2 must act as a ‘bridge’. The followingsettings are applied:UR IEC 1:DIRECT OUT 2 OPERAND: "HYB POTT TX1"DIRECT INPUT 5 DEVICE ID: "2"DIRECT INPUT 5 BIT NUMBER: "2" (this is a message from IED 2)DIRECT INPUT 6 DEVICE ID: "2"DIRECT INPUT 6 BIT NUMBER: "4" (effectively, this is a message from IED 3)UR IED 3:DIRECT OUT 2 OPERAND: "HYB POTT TX1"DIRECT INPUT 5 DEVICE ID: "2"DIRECT INPUT 5 BIT NUMBER: "2" (this is a message from IED 2)DIRECT INPUT 6 DEVICE ID: "2"DIRECT INPUT 6 BIT NUMBER: "3" (effectively, this is a message from IED 1)UR IED 2:DIRECT INPUT 5 DEVICE ID: "1"DIRECT INPUT 5 BIT NUMBER: "2"DIRECT INPUT 6 DEVICE ID: "3"DIRECT INPUT 6 BIT NUMBER: "2"DIRECT OUT 2 OPERAND: "HYB POTT TX1"DIRECT OUT 3 OPERAND: "DIRECT INPUT 5" (forward a message from 1 to 3)DIRECT OUT 4 OPERAND: "DIRECT INPUT 6" (forward a message from 3 to 1)The figure shows the signal flow among the three IEDs.Figure 5-163: Signal flow for direct input and outputIn three-terminal applications, both the remote terminals must grant permission to trip. Therefore, at each terminal, directinputs 5 and 6 are ANDed in FlexLogic and the resulting operand configured as the permission to trip (HYB POTT RX1setting).5.9.7 Teleprotection inputs and outputs5.9.7.1 OverviewThe relay provides 16 teleprotection inputs on communications channel 1 (numbered 1-1 through 1-16) and 16teleprotection inputs on communications channel 2 (on two-terminals two-channel and three-terminal systems only,numbered 2-1 through 2-16). The remote relay connected to channels 1 and 2 of the local relay is programmed byassigning FlexLogic operands to be sent via the selected communications channel. This allows the user to create