5-306 C60 BREAKER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALTESTING CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Table 5-40: Test mode operation5.11.3 Phasor measurement unit test valuesSETTINGS TESTING PMU TEST VALUES PMU 1(2) TEST VALUESTEST MODEFUNCTIONIn-serviceLEDTest modeLEDCritical failrelayTEST MODEFORCINGContact input and output behaviorDisabled Unaffected Off Normal No effect NormalIsolated Off On De-energized No effect Contact outputs disabledForcible Off Flashing De-energized Off NormalOn Controlled by forcing featuresOn restart, the TEST MODE FORCING setting and the force contact input and force contact output settings revert totheir default states. PMU 1 TEST VALUES PMU 1 TESTFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled PMU 1 VA TESTMAGNITUDE: 500.00 kVRange: 0.00 to 700.00 kV in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 VA TESTANGLE: 0.00°Range: –180.00 to 180.00° in steps of 0.05 PMU 1 VB TESTMAGNITUDE: 500.00 kVRange: 0.00 to 700.00 kV in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 VB TESTANGLE: –120.00°Range: –180.00 to 180.00° in steps of 0.05 PMU 1 VC TESTMAGNITUDE: 500.00 kVRange: 0.00 to 700.00 kV in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 VC TESTANGLE: 120.00°Range: –180.00 to 180.00° in steps of 0.05 PMU 1 VX TESTMAGNITUDE: 500.00 kVRange: 0.00 to 700.00 kV in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 VX TESTANGLE: 0.00°Range: –180.00 to 180.00° in steps of 0.05 PMU 1 IA TESTMAGNITUDE: 1.000 kARange: 0.000 to 9.999 kA in steps of 0.001 PMU 1 IA TESTANGLE: –10.00°Range: –180.00 to 180.00° in steps of 0.05 PMU 1 IB TESTMAGNITUDE: 1.000 kARange: 0.000 to 9.999 kA in steps of 0.001 PMU 1 IB TESTANGLE: –130.00°Range: –180.00 to 180.00° in steps of 0.05 PMU 1 IC TESTMAGNITUDE: 1.000 kARange: 0.000 to 9.999 kA in steps of 0.001 PMU 1 IC TESTANGLE: 110.00°Range: –180.00 to 180.00° in steps of 0.05 PMU 1 IG TESTMAGNITUDE: 0.000 kARange: 0.000 to 9.999 kA in steps of 0.001