1-6 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin1.3 ENERVISTA UR SETUP SOFTWARE 1 GETTING STARTED1 5. In the EnerVista Launch Pad window, click the Add Product button and select the “F60 Feeder Protection System”from the Install Software window as shown below. Select the “Web” option to ensure the most recent software release,or select “CD” if you do not have a web connection, then click the Add Now button to list software items for the F60.6. EnerVista Launchpad will obtain the software from the Web or CD and automatically start the installation program.7. Select the complete path, including the new directory name, where the EnerVista UR Setup will be installed.8. Click on Next to begin the installation. The files will be installed in the directory indicated and the installation programwill automatically create icons and add EnerVista UR Setup to the Windows start menu.9. Click Finish to end the installation. The UR-series device will be added to the list of installed IEDs in the EnerVistaLaunchpad window, as shown below.