GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 3-433 HARDWARE 3.4 MANAGED ETHERNET SWITCH MODULES3a) CONFIGURING THE SWITCH MODULE IP SETTINGSIn our example configuration of both the Switch’s IP address and subnet mask must be changed to and255.255.252.0 respectively. The IP address, subnet mask and default gateway can be configured using either EnerVistaUR Setup software, the Switch’s Secure Web Management (SWM), or through the console port using CLI.1. Select the Settings > Product Setup > Communications > Ethernet Switch > Configure IP menu item to open theEthernet switch configuration window.2. Enter “” in the IP Address field and “” in the Subnet Mask field, then click OK.The software will send the new settings to the F60 and prompt as follows when complete.3. Cycle power to the F60 and switch module to activate the new settings.b) SAVING THE ETHERNET SWITCH SETTINGS TO A SETTINGS FILEThe F60 allows the settings information for the Ethernet switch module to be saved locally as a settings file. This file con-tains the advanced configuration details for the switch not contained within the standard F60 settings file.This feature allows the switch module settings to be saved locally before performing firmware upgrades. Saving settingsfiles is also highly recommended before making any change to the module configuration or creating new setting files.The following procedure describes how to save local settings files for the Ethernet switch module.1. Select the desired device from site tree in the online window.2. Select the Settings > Product Setup > Communications > Ethernet Switch > Ethernet Switch Settings File >Retreive Settings File item from the device settings tree.