6-22 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin6.3 METERING 6 ACTUAL VALUES66.3.8 IEC 61580 GOOSE ANALOG VALUESPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ÖØ METERING ÖØ IEC 61850 GOOSE ANALOGSThe F60 Feeder Protection System is provided with optional IEC 61850 communications capability. Thisfeature is specified as a software option at the time of ordering. Refer to the Ordering section of chapter 2for additional details. The IEC 61850 protocol features are not available if CPU type E is ordered.The IEC 61850 GGIO3 analog input data points are displayed in this menu. The GGIO3 analog data values are receivedvia IEC 61850 GOOSE messages sent from other devices.6.3.9 WATTMETRIC GROUND FAULTPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ÖØ METERING ÖØ WATTMETRIC GROUND FAULT 1(2)This menu displays the wattmetric zero-sequence directional element operating power values.6.3.10 TRANSDUCER INPUTS AND OUTPUTSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ÖØ METERING ÖØ TRANSDUCER I/O DCMA INPUTS Ö DCMA INPUT xxActual values for each dcmA input channel that is enabled are displayed with the top line as the programmed channel IDand the bottom line as the value followed by the programmed units.PATH: ACTUAL VALUES ÖØ METERING ÖØ TRANSDUCER I/O RTD INPUTS Ö RTD INPUT xxActual values for each RTD input channel that is enabled are displayed with the top line as the programmed channel ID andthe bottom line as the value. IEC 61850 GOOSE ANALOGSANALOG INPUT 10.000MESSAGE ANALOG INPUT 20.000↓MESSAGE ANALOG INPUT 160.000 WATTMETRIC GROUND FAULT 1WATT GND FLT 1:0.000 W DCMA INPUT xxDCMA INPUT xx0.000 mA RTD INPUT xxRTD INPUT xx-50 °C