GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 5-1635 SETTINGS 5.6 GROUPED ELEMENTS5• NEG SEQ DIR OC1 FWD PICKUP: This setting defines the pickup level for the overcurrent unit in the forward direc-tion. Upon NEG SEQ DIR OC1 TYPE selection, this pickup threshold applies to zero- or negative-sequence current. Whenselecting this setting it must be kept in mind that the design uses a positive-sequence restraint technique.• NEG SEQ DIR OC1 REV LIMIT ANGLE: This setting defines a symmetrical (in both directions from the ECA) limitangle for the reverse direction.• NEG SEQ DIR OC1 REV PICKUP: This setting defines the pickup level for the overcurrent unit in the reverse direc-tion. Upon NEG SEQ DIR OC1 TYPE selection, this pickup threshold applies to zero- or negative-sequence current. Whenselecting this setting it must be kept in mind that the design uses a positive-sequence restraint technique.Figure 5–76: NEGATIVE SEQUENCE DIRECTIONAL OC1 SCHEME LOGIC$&'5$1'$1'$1'$1'$1'2525127(9BLVQHJDWLYHVHTXHQFHYROWDJH,BLVQHJDWLYHVHTXHQFHFXUUHQW,BLV]HURVHTXHQFHFXUUHQW$1'6(77,1*2II %ORFN6(77,1*1HJ6HTXHQFH=HUR6HTXHQFH7\SH6(77,1*6)RUZDUG3LFNXS581_,B_² î_,B_ 3LFNXS. 3RVLWLYH6HTXHQFH5HVWUDLQW7,0(5F\FOHVF\FOHV)/(;/2*,&23(5$1'1(*6(4',52&):'6(77,1*'LVDEOHG (QDEOHG )XQFWLRQ$&78$/9$/8(69B,B,B581_,B_² î_,B_ 3LFNXS. 9ROWDJH3RODUL]DWLRQ6(77,1*6)RUZDUG(&$581)RUZDUG/LPLW$QJOH5HYHUVH/LPLW$QJOH2IIVHW)RUZDUG5HYHUVH6(77,1*65HYHUVH3LFNXS581_,B_² î_,B_ 3LFNXS. 3RV6HT5HVWUDLQW581_,B_² î_,B_ 3LFNXS. $1'$1'$1')/(;/2*,&23(5$1'1(*6(4',52&5(9