GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 5-2115 SETTINGS 5.7 CONTROL ELEMENTS5• CNT1 SET TO PRESET: Selects the FlexLogic™ operand used to set the count to the preset value. The counter willbe set to the preset value in the following situations:1. When the counter is enabled and the CNT1 SET TO PRESET operand has the value 1 (when the counter is enabledand CNT1 SET TO PRESET operand is 0, the counter will be set to 0).2. When the counter is running and the CNT1 SET TO PRESET operand changes the state from 0 to 1 (CNT1 SET TOPRESET changing from 1 to 0 while the counter is running has no effect on the count).3. When a reset or reset/freeze command is sent to the counter and the CNT1 SET TO PRESET operand has the value1 (when a reset or reset/freeze command is sent to the counter and the CNT1 SET TO PRESET operand has thevalue 0, the counter will be set to 0).• COUNTER 1 RESET: Selects the FlexLogic™ operand for setting the count to either “0” or the preset value dependingon the state of the CNT1 SET TO PRESET operand.• COUNTER 1 FREEZE/RESET: Selects the FlexLogic™ operand for capturing (freezing) the accumulated count valueinto a separate register with the date and time of the operation, and resetting the count to “0”.• COUNTER 1 FREEZE/COUNT: Selects the FlexLogic™ operand for capturing (freezing) the accumulated count valueinto a separate register with the date and time of the operation, and continuing counting. The present accumulatedvalue and captured frozen value with the associated date/time stamp are available as actual values. If control power isinterrupted, the accumulated and frozen values are saved into non-volatile memory during the power down operation.Figure 5–109: DIGITAL COUNTER SCHEME LOGIC827065A1.VSDFLEXLOGICOPERANDSCOUNTER 1 HICOUNTER 1 EQLCOUNTER 1 LOSETTINGCOUNTER 1 FUNCTION:Disabled = 0Enabled = 1COUNTER 1 BLOCK:COUNTER 1 UP:COUNTER 1 DOWN:COUNTER 1 RESET:COUNT1 FREEZE/RESET:COUNT1 FREEZE/COUNT:Off = 0COUNTER 1 UNITS:COUNTER 1 PRESET:CALCULATEVALUERUNSET TO PRESET VALUESTORE DATE & TIMECOUNTER 1 NAME:COUNTER 1 COMPARE:Count more than Comp.Count equal to Comp.Count less than Comp.COUNTER 1 FROZEN:Date & TimeCNT 1 SET TO PRESET:SET TO ZEROSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSOff = 0Off = 0Off = 0Off = 0Off = 0Off = 0ACTUAL VALUESCOUNTER 1 ACCUM:ACTUAL VALUESETTINGANDORORANDAND