GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 6-256 ACTUAL VALUES 6.4 RECORDS66.4RECORDS 6.4.1 FAULT REPORTSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES RECORDS FAULT REPORTS FAULT REPORT 1(15)The latest 15 fault reports can be stored. The most recent fault location calculation (when applicable) is displayed in thismenu, along with the date and time stamp of the event which triggered the calculation. See the SETTINGS PRODUCTSETUP FAULT REPORTS menu for assigning the source and trigger for fault calculations. Refer to the COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS menu for manual clearing of the fault reports and to the SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP CLEAR RELAYRECORDS menu for automated clearing of the fault reports.6.4.2 EVENT RECORDSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES RECORDS EVENT RECORDSThe event records menu shows the contextual data associated with up to the last 1024 events, listed in chronological orderfrom most recent to oldest. If all 1024 event records have been filled, the oldest record will be removed as a new record isadded. Each event record shows the event identifier/sequence number, cause, and date/time stamp associated with theevent trigger. See the COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS menu for clearing event records.Only major output operands generate events, not every operand. Elements that assert output per phase, for example, logoperating phase output only without asserting the common three-phase operand event.NO FAULTS TO REPORTor FAULT REPORT 1FAULT 1LINE ID: SRC 1Range: SRC 1, SRC 2MESSAGE FAULT 1 DATE:2000/08/11Range: YYYY/MM/DDMESSAGE FAULT 1 TIME:00:00:00.000000Range: HH:MM:SS.ssssssMESSAGE FAULT 1 TYPE:ABGRange: not available if the source VTs are in the “Delta”configurationMESSAGE FAULT 1 LOCATION00.0 kmRange: not available if the source VTs are in the “Delta”configurationMESSAGE FAULT 1 RECLOSESHOT: 0Range: where applicable EVENT RECORDSEVENT: XXXXRESET OP(PUSHBUTTON)↓MESSAGE EVENT: 3POWER ONEVENT 3DATE: 2000/07/14MESSAGE EVENT: 2POWER OFFEVENT 3TIME: 14:53:00.03405MESSAGE EVENT: 1EVENTS CLEARED Date and Time Stamps