GE Multilin 750/760 Feeder Management Relay 5-955 SETPOINTS 5.7 S6 MONITORING55.7.9 PULSE OUTPUTPATH: SETPOINTS ÖØ S6 MONITORING ÖØ PULSED OUTPUTThe 750/760 can operate selected auxiliary relays after an adjustable interval for the quantities shown above. Pulses occurat the end of each programmed interval. Upon power up of the relay the Pulse Output function, if enabled, will continuefrom where it was at loss of control power. For example, if control power is removed when the positive watthours actualvalue is 16.0 MWh, when control power is re-applied a pulse will occur at 26 MWh if the interval is set to 10.0 MWh.Note that the Output relay(s) used for this element must be set to "Self-Resetting" under S4 OUTPUT RELAYS. The pulses willconsist of a one second on time and a one second off time. This feature should be programmed such that no more than onepulse per two seconds will be required or the pulsing will lag behind the interval activation.Figure 5–56: PULSED OUTPUT LOGIC PULSED OUTPUT [ENTER] for morePULSED OUTPUTFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, Alarm, Latched Alarm, ControlPOS WATTHOURS PULSEDRELAYS (3-7): -----Range: Any combination of 3 to 7 Auxiliary relaysPOS WATTHOURS PULSEDINTERVAL: 10.0 MWhRange: 0.0 to 6553.5 MWh in steps of 0.1.Quantities auto-range to appropriate units.NEG WATTHOURS PULSEDRELAYS (3-7): -----Range: Any combination of 3 to 7 Auxiliary relaysNEG WATTHOURS PULSEDINTERVAL: 10.0 MWhRange: 0.0 to 6553.5 MWh in steps of 0.1.Quantities auto-range to appropriate units.POS VARHOURS PULSEDRELAYS (3-7): -----Range: Any combination of 3 to 7 Auxiliary relaysPOS VARHOURS PULSEDINTERVAL: 10.0 MvarhRange: 0.0 to 6553.5 Mvarh in steps of 0.1.Quantities auto-range to appropriate units.NEG VARHOURS PULSEDRELAYS (3-7): -----Range: Any combination of 3 to 7 Auxiliary relaysNEG VARHOURS PULSEDINTERVAL: 10.0 MvarhRange: 0.0 to 6553.5 Mvarh in steps of 0.1.Quantities auto-range to appropriate units.ENTERESCAPEð ðMESSAGEESCAPEMESSAGEESCAPEMESSAGEESCAPEMESSAGEESCAPEMESSAGEESCAPEMESSAGEESCAPEMESSAGEESCAPEMESSAGEESCAPE