GE Feeder Management Relay 750 Instruction Manual
4-6 750/760 Feeder Management Relay GE Multilin4.1 FRONT PANEL INTERFACE 4 USER INTERFACES4 INVALID KEY: MUST BE IN LOCAL MODEThis flash message is displayed in response to pressing the or keys whilethe relay is in Remote Mode. The relay must be put into Local Mode in order for thesekeys to be operational. NEW PASSCODE STOREDThis message is displayed in response to changing the programmed passcode from theS1 RELAY SETUP Ö PASSCODE ÖØ CHANGE PASSCODE setpoint. The directions to changethe passcode were followed correctly and the new passcode was stored as entered. NEW SETPOINT STOREDThis flash message is displayed in response to the key while on any setpoint mes-sage. The edited value was stored as entered. NO CONDITIONS ARE CURRENTLY ACTIVEThis flash message is displayed in response to the key while the Message LED isoff. There are no active conditions to display in the diagnostic message queue. OUT OF RANGE - VALUE NOT STOREDThis flash message is displayed in response to the key while on a setpoint mes-sage or numerical value. The edited value was either less than the minimum or greaterthan the maximum acceptable values for the edited setpoint and as a result was notstored. PLEASE ENTER A NON-ZERO PASSCODEThis flash message is displayed while changing the passcode with the S1 RELAY SETUP ÖPASSCODE ÖØ CHANGE PASSCODE setpoint. An attempt was made to change the pass-code to “0” when it was already “0”. PRESS [ENTER] TO ADD AS DEFAULTThis flash message is displayed for 5 seconds in response to pressing the key, fol-lowed by the key while displaying any setpoint or actual value message exceptthose in S1 RELAY SETUP ÖØ DEFAULT MESSAGES. Pressing the key again while thismessage is displayed adds the setpoint or actual value message to the default list. PRESS [ENTER] TO BEGIN TEXT EDITThis message is displayed in response to the and keys while on a setpointmessage with a text entry value. The key must be pressed to begin editing. PRESS [ENTER] TO REMOVE MESSAGEThis flash message is displayed for 5 seconds in response to pressing the key, fol-lowed by the key while displaying one of the selected default messages in the sub-group S1 RELAY SETUP ÖØ DEFAULT MESSAGES. Pressing the key again while thismessage is displayed removes the default message from the list. PRESSED KEY IS INVALID HEREThis flash message is displayed in response to any pressed key that has no meaning inthe current context. RESETTING LATCHED CONDITIONSThis flash message is displayed in response to the key. All active latched condi-tions (trips, alarms, or latched relays) for which the activating condition is no longerpresent will be cleared. SETPOINT ACCESS DENIED (PASSCODE)This flash message is displayed in response to the key while on any setpoint mes-sage. Setpoint access is restricted because the programmed passcode has not beenentered to allow access. SETPOINT ACCESS DENIED (SWITCH)This flash message is displayed in response to the key while on any setpoint mes-sage. Setpoint access is restricted because the setpoint access terminals have not beenconnected. SETPOINT ACCESS IS NOT ALLOWEDThis flash message is displayed in response to correctly entering the programmed pass-code at the S1 RELAY SETUP Ö PASSCODE ÖØ ALLOW ACCESS TO SETPOINTS setpoint.The command to allow access to setpoints has been successfully executed and setpointscan be changed and entered. SETPOINT ACCESS IS NOW RESTRICTEDThis flash message is displayed in response to entering the correct programmed pass-code at the S1 RELAY SETUP Ö PASSCODE ÖØ RESTRICT ACCESS TO SETPOINTS setpoint.The command to restrict access to setpoints has been successfully executed and set-points cannot be changed.OPEN CLOSEENTERNEXTENTERENTERENTERVALUE VALUEENTERENTERENTERNEXTENTERENTER |
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