29NOTE: The control display must show a steadytime (not flashing).1. Press the RECHARGE button and holdin for three seconds. RECHARGE NOWbegins to flash as the water softening systementers the fill cycle of recharge. Removethe brinewell cover and, using a flashlight,observe fill water entering the brine tank. Ifwater does not enter the tank, look for anobstructed nozzle, venturi, fill flow plug orbrine tubing. See Care and Cleaning of theWater Softener System section.2. After observing fill, press the RECHARGEbutton to move the water softening systeminto brining. A slow flow of water to the drainwill begin. Verify brine draw from the brinetank by shining a flashlight into the brinewelland observing a noticeable drop in the liquidlevel over an extended period of time (15 to20 minutes).NOTE: Be sure a salt bridge is not preventingwater from contacting salt. See Care andcleaning of the water softening system section.If the water softening system does not drawbrine, check: nozzle and/or venturi dirty or defective. defective nozzle and venturi seal. nozzle and venturi not seated properlyon gasket. other inner valve defect (rotor seal, rotorand disc, wave washer, etc.). restricted drain (check drain fitting andhose).NOTE: If water system pressure is low, anelevated drain hose may cause back pressure,stopping brine draw.3. Again, press the RECHARGE button tomove the water softening system intobackwash. Look for a fast flow of waterfrom the drain hose. A slow flow indicates aplugged top distributor, backwash flow plugor drain hose.4. Press the RECHARGE button to move thewater softening system into fast rinse. Againlook for a fast drain flow. Allow the watersoftening system to rinse for a few minutesto flush out any brine that may remain in theresin tank from the brining cycle test.5. To return the water softening system toservice, press the RECHARGE button.Service: Manually Advance Recharge CheckAdvanced troubleshooting for service