CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION SET UP CYBERSENTRY AND CHANGE DEFAULT PASSWORDL90 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3-6533.9 Set up CyberSentry and change default passwordIf and when first using CyberSentry security, use the following procedure for set up.1. Log in to the relay as Administrator by using the VALUE keys on the front panel or through EnerVista connected serially(so that no IP address is required). If logging in through EnerVista choose Device authentication. Enter the defaultpassword "ChangeMe1#". Note that the "Lock relay" setting needs to be disabled in the Security > Supervisory menu.When this setting is disabled, configuration and firmware upgrade are possible. By default, this setting is disabled.2. Enable the Supervisor role if you have a need for it.3. Make any required changes in configuration, such as setting a valid IP address for communication over Ethernet.4. Log out of the Administrator account by choosing None.Next, device or server authentication can be chosen on the login screen, but the choice is available only in EnerVista. Usedevice authentication to log in using the five pre-configured roles (Administrator, Supervisor, Engineer, Operator, Observer,or Administrator and Supervisor when device authentication is disabled). When using a serial connection, only Deviceauthentication is supported. When Server authentication is required, characteristics for communication with a RADIUSserver must be configured on the UR. This is possible only through the EnerVista software. The RADIUS server itself alsomust be configured. At the end of this instruction manual, the appendix called RADIUS Server gives an example of how toset up a simple RADIUS server. Once both the RADIUS server and the parameters for connecting UR to the server havebeen configured, you can choose Server authentication on the login screen of EnerVista.Figure 3-65: Login screen for CyberSentryDuring the commissioning phase, you have the option to bypass the use of passwords. Do so by enabling the BypassAccess setting under Settings > Product Setup > Security > Supervisory. Be sure to disable this bypass setting aftercommissioning the device.You can change the password for any role either from the front panel or through EnerVista.If using EnerVista, navigate to Settings > Product Setup > Security. Change the Local Administrator Password, forexample. It is strongly recommended that the password for the Administrator be changed from the default. Changing thepasswords for the other three roles is optional.3.10 Import settingsThe following file types can be imported:• URS — UR settings file (firmware version7.3x or earlier)• IID — Instantiated IED capability description file — Actual settings on UR• CID — Configured IED description file — Settings sent to the UR (may or may not be actual settings)The import is done in the Offline Window area.