CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES FRONT PANEL INTERFACEL90 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4-314Figure 4-37: Assigning pushbuttons 9 to 16 to the displayAs an example, if you set up a single-line diagram with two breakers and six switches, then eight of the side pushbuttonsare used automatically for control of the breakers and switches. Side pushbuttons 9 and 10 are available. In the single-linediagram, let us set side pushbutton 9 to clear event records as follows:• Show side pushbutton 9 on the graphical front panel — Click the PB symbol in the toolbar, then set Side button 9 topushbutton 9 in the drop-down list. This pushbutton then displays when appropriate on the right side of the screendisplay.• Program event record clearing — Set Settings > Product Setup > Clear Relay Records > Clear Event Records toFlexLogic operand PUSHBUTTON 9 ON• Program pushbutton 9 — Set Settings > Product Setup > User-Programmable Pushbuttons > Pushbutton 9Function to "Self-reset"Metering componentsMetering components show dynamically the value of a FlexAnalog operand or actual value. Up to 16 meteringcomponents can be added to each single-line diagram.To add a metering component, click the M symbol in the toolbox, then click in the window. Drag it to its final location.Double-click it to open the properties window. The figure shows the properties that can be edited.