CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES STATUSL90 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6-76stNum — State number. The most recently received value in GOOSE message field stNum. The publisher increments stNumeach time that the state of one or more of the GOOSE message members is sent with a revised value.sqNum — Sequence number. The most recently received value in GOOSE message field sqNum. The publisher sets sqNumto zero each time the state of one or more of the GOOSE message members is sent with a new value, and it increments itwhenever a GOOSE message is resent without any member value change.IGMP — Multicast (SSM and ASM) modes of R-GOOSE reception require that the L90 device subscribe to a multicast groupover the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) enabled network. R-RxGOOSE## IGMP status On indicates that IGMPnegotiation with a network device (for example a router) was successful. In the case where setting R-RxGOOSE1 DST IP isconfigured to a multicast address and this status indicates Off, R-GOOSE reception cannot be successful, and thereforecommunication network diagnosis needs to be carried out. This status is relevant to R-GOOSE reception when configuredfor SSM or ASM reception modes. It is not relevant for GOOSE or for R-GOOSE in unicast reception mode.6.3.10 AutorecloseACTUAL VALUES STATUS AUTORECLOSEThe automatic reclosure shot count is shown here, where the shot count is the number of reclosures that can beattempted before reclosure goes to lockout.If the status reads "not available," try enabling and configuring the function under SETTINGS CONTROL ELEMENTS AUTORECLOSE AUTORECLOSE. If that does not work, the feature is not supported on your device.6.3.11 Channel testsACTUAL VALUES STATUS CHANNEL TESTSThe L90 is provided with optional IEC 61850 capability. This feature is specified as a software option at the timeof ordering. See the Order Codes section of chapter 2 for details. AUTORECLOSE AUTORECLOSESHOT COUNT: 0Range: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 CHANNEL TESTS CHANNEL 1STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK CHANNEL 1 LOSTPACKETS: 0Range: 0 to 65535 in steps of 1. Reset count to 0through the COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS menu. CHANNEL 1 LOCALLOOPBCK STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK CHANNEL 1 REMOTELOOPBCK STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK CHANNEL 1LOOP DELAY: 0.0 ms CHNL 1 ASYMMETRY:+0.0 msRange: –10 to 10 ms in steps of 0.1 CHANNEL 2STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK CHANNEL 2 LOSTPACKETS: 0Range: 0 to 65535 in steps of 1. Reset count to 0through the COMMANDS CLEAR RECORDS menu. CHANNEL 2 LOCALLOOPBCK STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK CHANNEL 2 REMOTELOOPBCK STATUS: n/aRange: n/a, FAIL, OK