D-4 L90 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALREVISION HISTORY APPENDIX D: MISCELLANEOUSDTable D-4: Major changes for L90 manual version AE1 (English)Table D-5: Major changes for L90 manual version AC1 (English)11-5 Added Copy Settings to Other Device sectionPage Description--- General revision--- Added routable GOOSE content in chapters 2 and 53-35 Updated RS422 and Fiber Interface Connection figure for the clock channels (from 7a and 7b to 1a and 1b)4- Added Engineer content5- Updated IEC 61850 contentA- Updated FlexAnalog table for most UR productsPage Description--- General revision. Added online help and updated generic online help.--- Deleted EAC logo from title page and deleted EAC certification from Approvals specifications because document nottranslated into Russian--- Updated Breaker Arcing Current content, including FlexLogic operands table, settings, logic diagram, actual values, Modbusmemory map--- Updated Synchrocheck content including settings, logic diagram, actual values, and number of elements in interface chapter,FlexLogic operands table, settings, actual values, FlexAnalog table, features per product table, Modbus memory map, IMDtables--- Updated Fault Report content in Settings and Actual Values chapters. Added Estimation of Fault Resistance section to Theoryof Operation chapter. Updated Modbus memory map. Increased number of elements to four.--- Added Volts per Hertz element to product description, single line diagram, specifications, FlexLogic operand table,FlexElements table, settings chapter, actual values chapter, FlexAnalog table, Features per Product table, Modbus memorymap, IMD tables--- Added (Source) Voltage Harmonics and THD Metering content to description, specifications, actual values, FlexElements table,Modbus memory map, IMD table--- Added Source Current THD and Harmonics content to specifications, actual values, Modbus memory map--- Added Compensated Overvoltage content to product description, specifications, FlexLogic operands table, settings, featuresper product table, Modbus memory map, IMD tables--- Updated number of Breaker Restrike elements, increasing from two to four, in FlexLogic operands table, settings, features perproduct table, Modbus memory map--- Added one FlexLogic operand for POTT as per L60--- Updated Breaker Failure number from 2 to 4 in FlexLogic operands table, settings, feature per product table, Modbus memorymap--- Updated Neutral Time Overcurrent (TOC) number from 6 to 4 in FlexLogic operands table, settings, features per product table,Modbus memory map--- Updated Phase Time Overcurrent (TOC) number from 6 to 4 in FlexLogic operands table, settings, features per product table,Modbus memory map--- Updated number of Restricted Ground Fault elements in FlexLogic operands table, settings, actual values, features perproduct table, Modbus memory map--- Updated number of Disconnect Breaker Switch elements from 16 to 24 in FlexLogic operands table, settings, features perproduct table, Modbus memory map2- Updated several specifications, such as TOC, IOC, number of FlexLogic lines4-30 Added FlexLogic Design and Monitoring using Engineer section to end of Interfaces chapter5-38 Added PRT FUNCTION settings in Network section to enable/disable each Ethernet port5-50 Updated IEC 61850 section5-62 Added Support for Routable GOOSE section5-195 Updated number of FlexLogic lines from 512 to 1024 in FlexLogic Equation Editor settings section5-225 Updated Zone 1 and 2 ground distance logic diagrams to include IG11-1 Added Monitoring sectionPage Description