GE Multilin L90 Line Current Differential System 5-1195 SETTINGS 5.5 FLEXLOGIC™5The FLEXELEMENT 1 PICKUP setting specifies the operating threshold for the effective operating signal of the element. If setto “Over”, the element picks up when the operating signal exceeds the FLEXELEMENT 1 PICKUP value. If set to “Under”, theelement picks up when the operating signal falls below the FLEXELEMENT 1 PICKUP value.The FLEXELEMENT 1 HYSTERESIS setting controls the element dropout. It should be noticed that both the operating signaland the pickup threshold can be negative facilitating applications such as reverse power alarm protection. The FlexEle-ment™ can be programmed to work with all analog actual values measured by the relay. The FLEXELEMENT 1 PICKUP set-ting is entered in per-unit values using the following definitions of the base units:The FLEXELEMENT 1 HYSTERESIS setting defines the pickup–dropout relation of the element by specifying the width of thehysteresis loop as a percentage of the pickup value as shown in the FlexElement™ direction, pickup, and hysteresis dia-gram.The FLEXELEMENT 1 DT UNIT setting specifies the time unit for the setting FLEXELEMENT 1 dt. This setting is applicable only ifFLEXELEMENT 1 COMP MODE is set to “Delta”. The FLEXELEMENT 1 DT setting specifies duration of the time interval for therate of change mode of operation. This setting is applicable only if FLEXELEMENT 1 COMP MODE is set to “Delta”.This FLEXELEMENT 1 PKP DELAY setting specifies the pickup delay of the element. The FLEXELEMENT 1 RST DELAY settingspecifies the reset delay of the element.Table 5–11: FLEXELEMENT™ BASE UNITS87L SIGNALS(Local IA Mag, IB, and IC)(Diff Curr IA Mag, IB, and IC)(Terminal 1 IA Mag, IB, and IC)(Terminal 2 IA Mag, IB and IC)IBASE = maximum primary RMS value of the +IN and –IN inputs(CT primary for source currents, and 87L source primary current for line differential currents)87L SIGNALS(Op Square Curr IA, IB, and IC)(Rest Square Curr IA, IB, and IC)BASE = Squared CT secondary of the 87L sourceBREAKER ARCING AMPS(Brk X Arc Amp A, B, and C) BASE = 2000 kA 2 × cycledcmA BASE = maximum value of the DCMA INPUT MAX setting for the two transducers configuredunder the +IN and –IN inputs.FREQUENCY fBASE = 1 HzPHASE ANGLE ϕBASE = 360 degrees (see the UR angle referencing convention)POWER FACTOR PF BASE = 1.00RTDs BASE = 100°CSOURCE CURRENT I BASE = maximum nominal primary RMS value of the +IN and –IN inputsSOURCE ENERGY(Positive and Negative Watthours,Positive and Negative Varhours)EBASE = 10000 MWh or MVAh, respectivelySOURCE POWER PBASE = maximum value of V BASE × I BASE for the +IN and –IN inputsSOURCE VOLTAGE VBASE = maximum nominal primary RMS value of the +IN and –IN inputsSYNCHROCHECK(Max Delta Volts)VBASE = maximum primary RMS value of all the sources related to the +IN and –IN inputs