8-2 L90 Line Current Differential System GE Multilin8.1 PASSWORD SECURITY 8 SECURITY8A command or setting write operation is required to update the state of all the remote and local security operandsshown above.8.1.2 PASSWORD SECURITY MENUPATH: SETTINGS Ö PRODUCT SETUP Ö SECURITY8.1.3 LOCAL PASSWORDSPATH: SETTINGS Ö PRODUCT SETUP Ö SECURITY ÖØ CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDSProper password codes are required to enable each access level. A password consists of 1 to 10 numerical characters.When a CHANGE COMMAND PASSWORD or CHANGE SETTING PASSWORD setting is programmed to “Yes” via the front panelinterface, the following message sequence is invoked:1. ENTER NEW PASSWORD: ____________.2. VERIFY NEW PASSWORD: ____________.3. NEW PASSWORD HAS BEEN STORED.To gain write access to a “Restricted” setting, program the ACCESS LEVEL setting in the main security menu to “Setting” andthen change the setting, or attempt to change the setting and follow the prompt to enter the programmed password. If thepassword is correctly entered, access will be allowed. Accessibility automatically reverts to the “Restricted” level accordingto the access level timeout setting values.If an entered password is lost (or forgotten), consult the factory with the corresponding ENCRYPTED PASSWORD.If the setting and command passwords are identical, then this one password allows access to both com-mands and settings. SECURITYACCESS LEVEL:RestrictedRange: Restricted, Command, Setting,Factory Service (for factory use only)MESSAGE CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDS See page 8–2.MESSAGE ACCESS SUPERVISION See page 8–3.MESSAGE DUAL PERMISSION SECURITY ACCESS See page 8–4.MESSAGE PASSWORD ACCESSEVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled CHANGE LOCAL PASSWORDSCHANGE COMMANDPASSWORD: NoRange: No, YesMESSAGE CHANGE SETTINGPASSWORD: NoRange: No, YesMESSAGE ENCRYPTED COMMANDPASSWORD: ----------Range: 0 to 9999999999Note: ---------- indicates no passwordMESSAGE ENCRYPTED SETTINGPASSWORD: ----------Range: 0 to 9999999999Note: ---------- indicates no passwordNOTENOTE