9-10 L90 Line Current Differential System GE Multilin9.1 OVERVIEW 9 THEORY OF OPERATION99.1.12 PHASE LOCKING FILTERFilters are used in the phase locked loop to assure stability, to reduce phase and frequency noise. This is well known tech-nology. The primary feedback mechanism shown in the Loop Block Diagram is phase angle information through the wellknown proportional plus integral (PI) filter (the Z in the diagram refers to a unit delay, and 1 / (Z – 1) represents a simpledigital first order integrator). This loop is used to provide stability and zero steady state error.A PI filter has two time parameters that determine dynamic behavior: the gain for the proportional term and the gain for theintegral. Depending on the gains, the transient behavior of the loop can be underdamped, critically damped, or overdamped. For this application, critically damped is a good choice.This sets a constraint relating the two parameters. A second constraint is derived from the desired time constants of theloop. By considering the effects of both phase and frequency noise in this application it can be shown that optimum behav-ior results with a certain proportion between phase and frequency constraints.A secondary input is formed through the frequency deviation input of the filter. Whenever frequency deviation information isavailable, it is used for this input; otherwise, the input is zero. Because frequency is the derivative of phase information, theappropriate filter for frequency deviation is an integrator, which is combined with the integrator of the PI filter for the phase.It is very important to combine these two integrators into a single function because it can be shown if two separate integra-tors are used, they can drift in opposite directions into saturation, because the loop would only drive their sum to zero.In normal operation, frequency tracking at each terminal matches the tracking at all other terminals, because all terminalswill measure approximately the same frequency deviation. However, if there is not enough current at a terminal to computefrequency deviation, frequency tracking at that terminal is accomplished indirectly via phase locking to other terminals. Asmall phase deviation must be present for the tracking to occur.Also shown in the loop is the clock itself, because it behaves like an integrator. The clock is implemented in hardware andsoftware with a crystal oscillator and a counter.Figure 9–3: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF LOOP FILTERThere are 4 gains in the filter that must be selected once and for all as part of the design of the system. The gains are deter-mined by the time step of the integrators, and the desired time constants of the system as follows:(EQ 9.27)where: Trepeat = the time between execution of the filter algorithmTphase = time constant for the primary phase locked loopTfrequency = time constant for the frequency locked loop831028A1.CDR+++++Delta frequencyDelta phi timeKIKF 1/(Z–1)New frequency1/(Z–1)Clock(sample timer) phiKPGPS channelasymmetry+–++KI T repeatT phase2------------------= , KP 2T phase-----------------= , KF T repeatT frequency--------------------------=