B-60 L90 Line Current Differential System GE MultilinB.4 MEMORY MAPPING APPENDIX BBD238 ...Repeated for Remote Output 7D23C ...Repeated for Remote Output 8D240 ...Repeated for Remote Output 9D244 ...Repeated for Remote Output 10D248 ...Repeated for Remote Output 11D24C ...Repeated for Remote Output 12D250 ...Repeated for Remote Output 13D254 ...Repeated for Remote Output 14D258 ...Repeated for Remote Output 15D25C ...Repeated for Remote Output 16D260 ...Repeated for Remote Output 17D264 ...Repeated for Remote Output 18D268 ...Repeated for Remote Output 19D26C ...Repeated for Remote Output 20D270 ...Repeated for Remote Output 21D274 ...Repeated for Remote Output 22D278 ...Repeated for Remote Output 23D27C ...Repeated for Remote Output 24D280 ...Repeated for Remote Output 25D284 ...Repeated for Remote Output 26D288 ...Repeated for Remote Output 27D28C ...Repeated for Remote Output 28D290 ...Repeated for Remote Output 29D294 ...Repeated for Remote Output 30D298 ...Repeated for Remote Output 31D29C ...Repeated for Remote Output 32Remote Output UserSt Pairs (Read/Write Setting) (32 modules)D2A0 Remote Output UserSt 1 Operand 0 to 65535 --- 1 F300 0D2A1 Remote Output UserSt 1 Events 0 to 1 --- 1 F102 0 (Disabled)D2A2 Reserved (2 items) 0 to 1 --- 1 F001 0D2A4 ...Repeated for Remote Output 2D2A8 ...Repeated for Remote Output 3D2AC ...Repeated for Remote Output 4D2B0 ...Repeated for Remote Output 5D2B4 ...Repeated for Remote Output 6D2B8 ...Repeated for Remote Output 7D2BC ...Repeated for Remote Output 8D2C0 ...Repeated for Remote Output 9D2C4 ...Repeated for Remote Output 10D2C8 ...Repeated for Remote Output 11D2CC ...Repeated for Remote Output 12D2D0 ...Repeated for Remote Output 13D2D4 ...Repeated for Remote Output 14D2D8 ...Repeated for Remote Output 15D2DC ...Repeated for Remote Output 16D2E0 ...Repeated for Remote Output 17D2E4 ...Repeated for Remote Output 18D2E8 ...Repeated for Remote Output 19D2EC ...Repeated for Remote Output 20D2F0 ...Repeated for Remote Output 21D2F4 ...Repeated for Remote Output 22D2F8 ...Repeated for Remote Output 23D2FC ...Repeated for Remote Output 24D300 ...Repeated for Remote Output 25Table B–9: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 52 of 57)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT